Subject: How to get the body you want training AT HOME...

"I need to get in better shape before I
can go to the gym..."

Ever heard this before or even said it yourself?

If so, you know full well that on the surface it sounds like an
absolutely crazy thing to say...after all, don't people go to the
gym to GET in shape?

Here's the thing...when you dig deeper at the reasons WHY you
might say something like that, I can totally understand where
you're coming from.

The gym can be an intimidating place, especially if you're
not confident in yourself and how you look. People may not be
intentionally trying to make you feel bad, but the undercurrent
of "gotta be perfect" is always kind of hanging out there.

And there are other factors that keep you out of the gym, too...

1. Time - the #1 excu...I mean REASON that people don't train.

2. Distance - there's no gym within a reasonable drive. Living in
the Chicago area, I can totally understand that one. Good gyms
can be tough to find and driving in traffic can eat up hours of
your day.

3. Crowds - I'll be honest...I don't like people. I should probably
clarify that ;)...I don't like crowds of people when I'm trying to
train. I had the opportunity to train in a big commercial gym a
few weeks back. And I have to say, the equipment was GREAT...
but it was a Saturday morning and (they told me, at least) the
gym wasn't even crowded. It just wasn't for me. I couldn't wait
to get back to my basement gym.

4. Money - gym membership cost money. And if money is tight,
the gym membership is often one of the first things to go.

Your best option, when you encounter any of
these hurdles, is obviously to train at home.

That's what I do and I love it.

Here's the thing, though...I have a complete gym in my basement
(and I mean that literally...I have more and better equipment that
a lot of commercial gyms I've been to). Not everybody has that

If you DON'T have that luxury and you DO want to train at home,
there are options.

- bodyweight training
- improvised equipment training (like backpacks, suitcases, chairs, etc.)
- simple and vertsatile equipment like dumbells and barbells

And that's where my good friend and colleague Jackie Burgmann
comes in...

Her specialty is teaching people to train AT HOME to get
the fat-loss results they want.

And she's GREAT at it.

Not only has she been teaching people how to do this for years,
she accomplished an amazing transformation in herself, losing
40 pounds of fat, just through at-home training.

And this is the at-home training she's going to share with you.

So if you've struggled with the motivation, time, money or
availability of getting to the gym, this is something I'd HIGHLY
recommend for you.

I've delved into the program and it's very good stuff...
it's effective training and it's going to allow you to
shed the extra pounds without ever having to set
foot in a gym.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

P.S. Almost forgot to mention...Jackie was nice enough to offer
a 50% price reduction on her program for the next few days,
just for you. For what you'll be getting in her program, that's a

Check it out here...

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