Subject: How to eat cake, pasta, bread...and STILL lose fat

If you think that your "carb addiction" is keeping you from losing weight or burning're wrong.

Now, you may have seen a few emails today (one from me and a bazillion others if you
receive any other fitness emails) regarding a very powerful scientific method from my
good friend Shaun Hadsall.

It's all part of Shaun's brand new 4 Cycle Fat-Loss program...a step-by-step system based
on a proprietary nutrition strategy called Macro-Patterning™ that shows you exactly how
to eat all the carbs you love (including cake, pasta and bread) and NEVER store them as fat.

Obviously, you can't eat like that all the time! Shaun's program will tell you WHEN and HOW
you can.

And right now it's HALF off to celebrate its official release.

In addition to all the cool stuff Shaun is already including in his program, you'll also get
the entire system (ALL 4 proven fat-loss cycles and a Fast Start session) on video 100% FREE.

This bonus has a real value of $300, but it's *free* for anyone who grabs the 4 Cycle
Solution fat loss system today during his special launch event.

==> HALF off 4 Cycle Solution Fat-Loss PLUS Fast Start Video Lessons *FREE*

It's an excellent program...very effectively structured. I'll be coming back to you with an
in-depth review of the product tomorrow, including how it compares to my own Metabolic
Surge program.



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