Subject: How prevent your "ALMOST-burned" fat from getting put right back in...

This is in an interesting and CRITICAL fact about fat-burning that not a lot of people know about...supplied by Shaun Hadsall (of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet).

When you train with intensity (whether it be with interval training or with weight training), free fatty acids will literally "dump" into your bloodstream, liberated from your fat cells.

This is what we want ...

... HOWEVER...

Research shows these fatty acids float around and can literally move from your upper body to your lower body (or some other trouble spot) and just be RE-STORED as body fat again if they're not burned for energy.

So your body will do whatever necessary to protect itself by HOLDING ON to the stubborn fat you just worked so hard to release.

This is a process called re-esterification and in order to avoid it, the trick is to actually perform LOW-intensity training (which is very efficient at burning those newly liberated free fatty acids) for a period of time AFTER the high-intensity work....

...and this can be something simple like 10, 20 or up to 30 minutes of a low-intensity "straight through" activity such as walking or riding the stationary bike.

Believe me, I MUCH prefer the intense stuff myself, however, low-intensity cardio does have it's place...and it's place is HERE.

You'll find this technique (in much greater detail) and more in Shaun's excellent Xtreme Fat Loss Diet program here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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