Subject: How a WWI Russian spy broke out of jail with his BARE HANDS...

His name was Alexander Zass...he was captured 4 times and broke out of jail each time using nothing but his RAW STRENGTH.

Here's a picture of the guy...

He bent iron prison bars and ripped metal shackles off his ankles using nothing but pure strength.

This was WAY before steroids were even invented...this guy had natural power built from very specific training methods.

One of his biggest "secret" methods was Isometrics. This training can build INCREDIBLE strength.

I wrote to you about this yesterday and I wanted to follow up on it, because this stuff is just that good.


Isometrics come in two primary forms...Overcoming Isometrics and Yielding Isometrics.

Overcoming Isometrics are when you're pushing or pulling against an immoveable object. For example, pushing a bar against the rails of a power rack doing an isometric bench press.

If you want to strengthen a specifc point in the range of motion of the bench press, you just set the rails for that position and give it all you've got against the rails for 8-10 seconds (start with a 2-3 second "warm-up" contraction, gradually building up the intensity until you hit MAX intensity for the last 6-8 seconds. You don't want to jump right into a 100% contraction.

Yielding Isometrics are basically when you're holding a weight and not letting it move. A good example of this is holding the exact mid-point of a barbell curl (90 degrees at the elbow) for 40-60 seconds in order to strengthen that specific point in the range of motion. This is not a max contraction, like the overcoming method, but it should get more and more intense as the set goes on.

In fact, one of the methods I've been experimenting with for the past few weeks is actually COMBINING the two forms of isometrics into one extended set (I call it Hybrid Isometrics).

For example, I would do a chest-supported barbell row (using a loaded barbell), pulling the bar into the underside of the bench as hard as I can for the 8-10 seconds, then immediately going into a yielding isometric, holding the bar in place near that same peak contracted position (but without pulling it against the bench) just holding it there for another 30-40 seconds, until it starts to drop. Then immediately set the bar down.

I'm using an EZ curl bar in the picture below for this for a pair of 25 lb plates.

This method works GREAT. It's incredibly intense and very effective and is done with ZERO movement...all isometric.

Now, what can often be confusing with this stuff is how to best use isometrics in your training just in a general mass-building program.

In the book Isometrics Mass, you'll get a program that tells you how to do this.

This is a good program that tells you how to use a very specific type of isometric contraction to accelerate muscle growth and strength-building.

Don't use it to break out of prison, though...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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