Subject: How I deadlifted 500 lbs for 50 reps on my 50th birthday...

Every year on my birthday, I challenge myself to lift my age times ten in weight in the trap bar deadlift, for the number of reps my age is.

So this year being my 50th birthday (Oct 7th), it was 500 lbs for 50 reps.

I got the whole thing on video (took me just over an hour), which I sped up by 2000% so it's compressed down to about 3 minutes.

In the video, I show the first rep and the last rep at normal speed, so you can see exactly how they compare (4x slower on the last rep, I'd say!).

And for all those people who keep saying to me, "just wait until you're ___ years old...your back is going to be destroyed with all that heavy lifting"...

Well...not only is my back just fine, I deadlifted 580 lbs last Monday, just for fun :)

If there's one lesson I've learned over the years, the real keys to success in the gym are smart, consistent, hard training, proper recovery and listening to your body, not what people tell you you can't do!

Now to think of what I'll do next year...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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