Subject: Have you seen this?

It's one of the most interesting books you'll ever read...

It's called "The Biohackers Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus" and it's PACKED with some of the coolest, most practical and useful information you'll ever come across.

This book is almost free...just pay a small shipping fee and it's yours.

Here's what Anthony DiClementi (the author of the book) has in store for you...

  • GMO vs. Organic – You think you might know the difference, but you’ll discover the truth behind food modification that goes beyond what you read on the label – pg. 49

  • An ultra-simple 28-day nutrition strategy that removes potential food sensitivities holding you back (there’s no “one size fits all” diet, but this will be your first step in discovering what foods work for your body) – p. 53
  • How to train less, eat smarter, and feel better than you’ve ever felt. You’ll even learn how to take all the work out of biohacking your nutrition - pg. 94
  • 7 nutrition biohacks to help increase energy production, optimize fat utilization, activate the bio-pathways that build lean muscle, and clarify your mind – pg. 96
  • The 2 most common workout mistakes you make that negate nearly every cardio health benefit  – pg. 106
  • One way you’re actually cheating your body by working too hard. I can guarantee you’ve broken this “golden rule” if you’ve been to the gym at least twice in your life (or even if you’ve gone out for a run) – pg. 111 
  • Why it only takes 28 days to achieve freedom from stress, negative thoughts, anxiety and more (even if you don’t feel stressed, I challenge you to try the simple stress management hacks – I guarantee you’ll notice a difference) - pg. 134
  • Mood swings, anxiety, cravings for sugar… these are just 4 of the 15+ signs of chronic stress. Learn how to take your life back from stress, improve your mood, and increase productivity – pg. 130
  • 12 stress reduction supplements and their applications explained. SKIP TO THIS SECTION IMMEDIATELY. The one supplement researchers claim treats over 100 medical conditions (no, you’re not already taking it) – pg. 163
  • Why is it that dozens of influential thinkers, inventors, businessmen, and politicians can get away with 5, 4, or even 3 hours of sleep each nightand function at a high level? The answer will surprise you – pg. 172
  • 3 major sleep components and a researched sleep strategy you can use to scientifically trick your mind into thinking you slept 2x longer than you actually did – pg. 181
  • Understand how exercise effects your sleep! I’m going to give you a tip you can try today that might go against what you’ve heard from doctors and personal trainers (This strategy has over 100+ studies behind it) – pg. 202
  • Ever wonder why Nobel Prize winning doctors believe that “nearly all disease can be traced to a nutritional deficiency?” I’ll show you not only why, but how to avoid the deficiencies that are almost impossible to naturally correct – pg. 205
  • 13 supplements that seem healthy but are actually toxins. Learn why some of the most popular vitamins and minerals you supplement with every day are actually toxic to your body – pg. 211
  • One readily available, affordable, and absolutely must-have supplement that's essential for mitochondrial function and free radical protection – pg. 213


And that's just getting started...every single page is full of fascinating stuff like this... all fully backed up with solid research.

If you're curious about any of the things above (or all of the things above!), click here and go grab your copy now (just cover a small shipping fee and the book is yours).


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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