Subject: Got bad knees? Try this to fix them...

Knees can get pretty messed up.

..and my friend Rick (who is physical therapist and BRILLIANT at fixing injuries) has put together a strengthening/pain fix program specifically for fixing bum knees.

You can learn more about it here.

Having bad knees affects so many different aspects of your is just one of them.

Not being able to bend down to play with your kids (or grandkids) because your knees always hurt too much can really be heartbreaking.

Imagine not having bad knees hampering your life anymore...being able to squat if you want to squat, being able to run if you want to run...

...or being able to enjoy family life without always having to shoot it down when your kids just want to play with you.

Discover the simple exercises that will fix your knees WITHOUT surgery here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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