Subject: Got 2 weeks to get in shape? Do THIS...

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And it'll do it faster than fasting...


For the past few days, I've been talking about a 14-day rapid fat loss program from my friend and colleague, Rusty Moore.

The program is specifically designed to burn off as much fat (not weight...FAT) as possible in just 14 days.

I've read through the plan and it's good stuff...really good stuff. I can absolutely see the logic behind how it works.

This definitely not a lifestyle diet program, though.


It's a strict eating plan that is PROVEN to maximize the amount of fat you lose in 14 days.

Bottom line, if you've got an event, vacaction or special occasion you want to drop fat for in a hurry, this is going to be the fastest way to do it

If you're willing to put in the effort, you WILL be rewarded with fast fat-loss results.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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