Subject: Get side delts that POP! Try this new "double" lateral raise...

The lateral raise is a very common shoulder exercise. I won't get into it here as I know you're familiar with it.

THIS version of the lateral raise utilizes a unique double resistance format, though. You'll use a weight plate with a training band through the hole in the middle.

It's easier to explain it to you with pictures and you see it, you'll be able to see why it works so good.

First, get a smaller-thickness training band and a weight plate. I'm using a red band and a 25lb weight plate.

Click here to see where I get my training bands.

Now, instead of grabbing on the ends of the band, you'll loop your hands through so that the ends on your wrists.

THEN grab onto the band ends. This makes it easier to perform the exercise and get more out of it.

Here's how it works...

Start by holding the band ends and with the weight plate hanging in front of you.

Now do a lateral raise.

Yep, it's just that simple! The benefit to this exercise over the dumbbell lateral raise is the fact that as you raise the barbell plate up (vertical resistance), you also are stretching the band out to the SIDES (lateral resistance).

TWO types of resistance like this really increase the tension placed on the lateral delts. As you come to the top of the movement, stretching the band out really fires up those muscle fibers, while at the same time they're trying to raise the barbell plate up in front of you.

This is VERY easy to set up and do and very effective for the shoulders.

Here's the side view. Notice I'm leaning forward a little at the start. This is important when doing lateral raises as it puts the right fibers in line to do the exercise.

When you're doing this lateral raise (and any lateral raise, really) be sure to keep your shoulders down. Don't shrug them up to assist and add momentum as this involves the traps and takes tension away from the lateral delts.

If you like this one,then you need to have a look at my book "The Best Shoulder Exercises You've Never Heard Of"'s packed with a TON more unique shoulder movements just like this one.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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