Subject: Get bigger biceps with this Positions of Flexion Tri-Set...

Nobody I know wants big biceps...yeah...right.

Even though the majority of bicep mass is built with heavy compound movements like rows and chins, you DO need some direct biceps work with isolation exercises for maximum mass and development.

That's where this 3-exercise combination comes in.

If you're not familiar with Positions of Flexion (POF) training by Steve Holman, essentially the idea is to target the muscle in three specific positions: stretch, mid-range and peak contraction. This works the most fibers in the target muscle for full growth stimulation. It's extremely effective in that regard.

Normally, you would use three separate exercises to target these positions.

With this tri-set, you're going to utilize changes in body position to achieve the exact same effect, targeting different aspects of the biceps without ever setting down the weight.

It's very challenging and very effective!

You'll need a light to moderate pair of dumbbells for this combination. I'm using 30 lb dumbbells for this.


The first exercise is the Incline Dumbbell Curl.

Now, instead of sitting on the seat of the bench, set your feet on the seat and sit about halfway up it so that your upper back is hanging over the end of the bench. This allows for greater stretch in the biceps by allowing you to get your shoulders back.

Feel the stretch at the bottom, then curl up.

Keep your palms facing forward during this entire exercise, especially at the bottom. This supinated position (palms forward) is necessary for maximum stretch on the biceps.

Perform 6-8 reps or until another good rep is no longer possible (not to failure...just short of it).


Go directly to the second exercise without setting the weights down...Dumbbell Curls.

In this case sort of seated and sort of'll be still in contact with the bench but with your feet on the ground.

This is your mid-range exercise.

Perform alternating dumbbell curls...i.e. one arm at a time. Doing these one arm at a time allows you to put more neural drive into that one arm. You can do both at the same time, if you like, however I find I'm able to do "better" curls in this situation by focusing on just the one arm at a time.

Repeat on the other arm.


Once you get close to hitting the wall on this exercise, it's on to the third exercise...Concentration Curls.

These are targeted for the peak contraction on the biceps.

Bend forward at the waist and perform "hanging" Concentration Curls, meaning you're not bracing your arm on anything.

Go for a HARD squeeze in the biceps at the top of every rep.

Alternate arms.

Push THIS exercise to the point of failure to really finish off your biceps.

When you're done, you will have hit each of the three major tension positions for the biceps without ever setting down the weight.

It's intense and very effective for bicep development.


Anabolic Reload - Building "Slow Twitch" Mass With Light Weights

Now, the guy who pioneered the Positions of Flexion concept I made use of above, Steve Holman, has released a program called "Anabolic Reload."

This program targets muscle fibers that you don't normally associate with building muscle...the slow twitch fibers.

Because these fibers are generally underdeveloped in most people, it means that if you haven't been directly targeting them, you're leaving a fair bit of growth potential on the table.

By using the methods found in his program (Positions of Flexion is actually one of them), you'll be able to stimulate growth in those fibers, immediately increasing your mass potential.


Who Is This For?

This is for people (male or female) who want to build muscle mass without lifting super heavy weight. It's especially good if you're in your 40's, 50's or 60's and maybe you've got some injuries that don't allow you to use heavy weight on certain exercises or if you find that heavy lifting beats you up too much and doesn't give you the best results.

It's also good even if you ARE younger but would like to target some untapped muscle fibers.


Who Is This Not For?

If you love lifting heavy and want to keep lifting heavy, this is not for you. This program is completely NOT about lifting heavy.

And that's pretty much it, to be honest. It's a really effective overall approach that "sneaks" muscle mass onto you (so to speak) rather than "blasting" it on with heavy weight and brutal training.


Plus, I've Got a Free Gift For You...

I've put together a special report that I call my "Jekyll and Hyde Diet"...and when you pick up a copy of Steve's program through any of the links in this email, I will send you a copy of it.

This is a no-fluff report...just straight up solid info that tells you exactly what I've been doing dietarily to get extremely lean without losing any muscle or strength.

To get your copy of this report, after you pick up Steve's program through this link (or any other link in this email), forward your receipt email to and my customer support person, Nichole, will send you a copy of it ASAP.

Get your copy of Steve's Anabolic Reload program here and grab your "Jekyll and Hyde" report, too!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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