Subject: Get a boatload of QUALITY fat-loss info here...last chance...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So I talked earlier today about John Romaniello's fat loss
program "Final Phase Fat Loss", which targets stubborn bodyfat
with horomal-based training and eating approaches (he's got it on
a 52% off launch sale right now, until Thursday night, just fyi).


I just wanted to give you a heads-up that the fast-action bonus,
the "Big Breakfast Diet," contributed by Joel Marion will be
expiring at midnight tonight. Joel always puts out very effective
fat-loss info - he really does his research and has some very
nique fat-loss approaches. I always enjoy reading his stuff.

So what is the Big Breakfast Diet?

The Big Breakfast Diet is a highly strategic rapid fat loss
program that combines HUGE, delicious breakfasts with
intermittent fasting, strategic exercise, cheat days, and several
other brand new, very powerful strategies to maximize fat loss.

- It does NOT require you to follow a cumbersome 6-meal-a-day program.
- It does NOT require your entire day to revolve completely around
your diet, and...
- It does NOT require you to EVER eat a meal where you don't walk
away 100% satisfied.

And again, this goes away at midnight.

Also, if you hadn't read about it before, I'm also kicking in a
free copy of my own "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program to
really put you over the top, in terms of fat-loss info.

John's approach is fairly similar to my own in terms of
manipulating training and nutrition to achieve very specific
hormonal states in the body and I think the two programs done in
an alternating fashion really have the potential to take your
physique to a whole new level.

IMPORTANT: In order to qualify for the Metabolic Surge bonus, you
MUST pick up John's program through the links in this email! Once
you do, just forward your receipt to and
we'll hook you up!



P.S. If you missed my "Angry Birds" stubborn fat article that I
sent out, I posted that to my site here. It's a great analogy for
how to go about losing stubborn fat!


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