Subject: Get a GREAT chest with this EVIL exercise...(not kidding)

If you want a better-looking chest (male or
female), the inner chest (a.k.a. cleavage) is
one of the key areas to focus on.

The pec is one of the few muscles I've found that you that
can effectively develop specific parts of it with targeted angles
and movements.

The pecs are fan-shaped and designed to move in a variety
of directions and work from a variety of angles.

And in this case, we're targeting the INNER pecs to really
make your chest stand out.

The exercise is the Shifting Grip Bench Press...
and I'll tell you right up front, it's a bit evil... ;)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad S
cientist of Muscle"

P.S. Keep an eye out the next few days...I'm getting all my submitted
T-shirt slogans into some polling software so I can get your votes
on what you like the best!

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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