Subject: GREAT muscle-building info in the seminar replay for you...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Here's a quick recap of what we covered in that muscle-building
teleseminar with strength coach Jason Ferruggia last night...and
we covered a LOT.

1. Optimal Training Frequency...learn exactly how much you
should be training each bodypart for best results.

2. Accumulation and Intensification...what these terms mean for
your muscle mass and why this HAS to be the basis of EVERY
muscle-building program in order for it to succeed. If your
program doesn't use this type of adaptive training, you'll hit a
plateau FAST.

3. Split Training vs Total Body Training...who should use which
and why, plus the advantages and disadvantages of each.

4. Single Limb Exercises...why they're useful and when you
should use them.

5. Optimal Rep Speed...if you're not doing your reps at this
speed, you're wasting a lot of your time and energy.

6. Training to Failure...good, bad or ugly? Do you REALLY need
to push yourself to the limit on every set or will that actually
hold your muscle growth back?

7. Rest Periods for Muscle and long should you
rest between sets if you want to maximize your mass?

8. Why Whey Protein Can Mess You Up...some digestive systems
simply don't do well on whey at all. What are your other protein

9. Gaining Muscle as a Vegan...the exact daily meals Jason used
to gain 34 lbs in 9 weeks as a vegan.

10. Calories for Muscle Gain...Quality vs you need
you need to eat clean or just go for calories?

...and a whole lot more!

Here's the link to the replay page:


And if you're interested in picking up Jason's new book "Triple
Threat Muscle", you can grab a copy here:


It's excellent stuff!


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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