Subject: Fix your weak Front Squat FAST with this cool, new exercise...

Now, just really quick before I get into the exercise, the past couple of days, I've mentioned a few other products.

1. Suspension Revolution 2.0 from my friend and human dynamo, Dan Long. If you're at all interested or curious about suspension/TRX training, this is a program you absolutely NEED to check out. Dan's done a tremendous job putting it together and his coaching in the videos he put together is amazing. Literally, if you like suspension training, go get this program now.

2. Eat More, Burn More. This is a FREE (+s&h) cookbook from Chef Gui Alinat. The food he cooks is AMAZING... (I haven't met him personally, but I've eaten some of his food at a friend's house..and WOW.) He's put together a book of healthy, delicious recipes and he's giving it away for free (while supplies last). If always you're on the lookout for healthy recipes, definitely go grab a copy...totally worth it.


Front Squat Assistance Presses

Ok, the name is terrible...I know that. The exercise, however, is GREAT.

I've posted a video of it on my YouTube channel here.

Essentially, you're going to be doing a modified "press" to address one of the two biggest weak points in the Front this case, the specific supporting strength of the shoulder complex (core support strength is the other, in case you're wondering).

When you come down into the bottom of the Front Squat, your core might hold up, but if your shoulders aren't strong enough, your elbows will start to tip down, the bar will start to shift forward and you'll lose the lifting collapsing forwar.

This exercise directly works the specific muscles that work to keep that bar in place, helping you put more weight on the bar and work your LEGS/QUADS like the exercise is supposed to!

Check out the video of the exercise here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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