Subject: Dumbbell CRUSH Squats for your core...

This exercise will absolutely CRUSH your core...

It puts MASSIVE tension through the entire upper body with a specific focus on the core, based on where and how you hold the resistance.

Because you're not actually going to HOLD the're going to CRUSH the resistance (or at least try to).

You'll need a moderate-weight dumbbell for this one. I'm using a 65 lb dumbbell in the demo, but I would highly recommend you start lighter the first time you try this one (it's brutal).

First, pick up the dumbbell and come down to one knee. Set the handle of the dumbbell on top of your thigh.

Now, once the dumbbell is resting on your thigh, set your palms FLAT on the outside of the plates.

Then stand up. This is the start position of the exercise...with the dumbbell completely unsupported other than the inwards-crushing tension you're exerting with your arms and chest.

Hold the dumbbell a little bit out in front of you, away from your body so there is no support.

Now squat down.

Pause for a few seconds at the bottom then stand up again (and yes, you'll be swearing at me in your head during this entire set...and it'll have to be in your head because you won't be able to talk).

Here's a side view so you can see where to hold the dumbbell.

Come down into a deep squat and hold.

The inwards-crushing force you have to apply to the dumbbell to hold it up and out like this puts INCREDIBLE tension in through the entire core. It demands support, strength and stabilization from the entire upper body.

I recommend you aim for 4-6 reps with this exercise, especially when using heavier weight. I like to do most core strength work in a lower range for optimal strength development. That being said, it CAN be done for higher reps, though, if you like...there are no rules here.

Use this exercise as part of your core/ab training. It's a squat but there's not enough resistance to really work the legs strongly...the focus is all on core strength.

You can see the full video of this exercise in action on my YouTube channel here...

If you want more exercises like this, I definitely recommend my book "The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of" (I've got 6 more sample exercises like this one posted there).


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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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