Subject: DELICIOUS (and healthy!) Oriental Beef Stir Fry recipe

I think this is a recipe even I could make... :)

This is a sample from "Anabolic Cooking"...a recipe book (on sale for 50% off this week) filled with HEALTHY and DELICIOUS bodybuilding recipes.

Oriental Beef Stir Fry

3 servings



1 lb. lean beef cut in slices
2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon minced fresh garlic
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 teaspoon fresh ginger
2 red peppers sliced thin
3 cups broccoli
4 scallions chopped
½ cup parsley chopped


1. In a large bowl mix soy sauce, water, oil, garlic, ginger and mustard.
2. Add sliced meat and stir to coat.  Set aside.
3. Heat wok or skillet over high heat.  Coat with cooking spray.
4. Cook broccoli and pepper, stirring until veggies are crisp and tender.
5. Stir in the beef strips, mix and cook until desired doneness.  Then add scallions and parsley. Stir gently until ready.

Nutrition Info
Per serving

Calories: 308
Protein: 49 g
Carbs: 10 g
Fat: 8 g

Don’t worry if you’re not a good cook. It’s very simple to make and the ingredients are easy to find in your local grocery store.

Not only will you like this recipe, but you’ll also like knowing that Dave Ruel (the creator of the book) is running a special sale on Anabolic Cooking that I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of.

You have until October 5th to grab over 200 awesome recipes like this for 50% off the regular price.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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