Subject: Can't build your stubborn chest? Here's what to do...

Today is Official Bench Press day in gyms across the world...

However, all that benching may not be doing ANYTHING for your chest development at all.

This is especially true if you have weak lower traps...

...which I know sounds extremely strange.

After all, what do the lower traps have to do with working your CHEST?

The key "muscle activation" reason is that your lower traps helps stabilize and retract the shoulder blades so that as you perform a bench press (or other chest exercise) your pecs can effectively contract while minimizing delt and tricep involvement.

If your lower traps can't keep the shoulder blades back, the chest flattens and your delts take over...keeping your chest underdeveloped and potentially leading to injuries in the shoulder joints.

One of the best ways to strengthen the lower (and middle) traps is with a very simple horizontal "rowing shrug" exercise. Just set up like you would for a seated cable row (use a moderate weight so you can focus on form)...then, keeping your arms straight, draw your shoulder blades together as through trying to pinch something in between them. Don't lean forward and don't row...just squeeze the shoulder blades together.

This will help your chest development immensely.

Now, if you really want to take your chest development and training to an entirely new level, I've got a resource that you'll be very interested in.

Just a few days ago, I was introduced to a top UK bodybuilding coach by the name of Mark Coles.

Mark has put together a program called Cover Model's the program he used to transform the chest of top UK magazine cover model Kirk Miller (pic below).

Now, like always, I'll be straight up honest with you...I don't know Mark...I've never spoken to him...however, he did hook me up with access to his full Cover Model Chest program.

It is GOOD....

VERY good.

The program phases are very well put together but the real magic lies in the exercises.

The exercise instructions are based on ideal biomechanics, body positioning, strategic muscle activation and targeted strengthening...just like the lower trap tip above.

This is the kind of the stuff that will make a REAL difference in how your chest looks.

Bottom line, if you want a better chest and benching is cutting it, definitely have a look at Cover Model Chest now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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