Subject: CRUSH your core using just one dumbbell...

This exercise is one of the BEST core strengthening exercises I've ever found.

It will dig into the deep muscles of your core to work the support/bracing function of those muscles as well as the anti-rotation and stabilizing function.

I call it a One Dumbbell Curl might have seen it before, but keep reading because I've got another variation of it for you below as well.

This one is not a beginner level core'll need to have good core and overall upper body strength in order to perform it properly. I also recommend doing this one after heavy exercises that require core strength (like squats and deadlifts) so as not to compromise your core strength before doing those.

To do this one, all you need is a single dumbbell. Start with a light to moderate weight then you can work up to heavier loads to really challenge your core strength once you learn the movement.

In the pictures here, I'm using a 95 lb dumbbell. In the video, I start with a 65 lb dumbbell. How much weight you use will not only be a function of your core strength but your bicep strength as well (especially at the bottom of the squat).

Start by using both hands to get the dumbbell into the position, which is basically the top of a dumbbell curl, with your feet set a bit wider than shoulder width apart.

Hold the dumbbell there, then squat down. DO NOT let the dumbbell rest on your upper chest and DO NOT brace your upper arm on your stomach as that will diminish the core strengthening effect of the exercise.

Come down as far as you can then pause briefly at the bottom.

You'll find this way of holding the load forces you to maintain a very upright position during the squat. If you don't stay upright, the weight tips forward.

As well, you'll likely find with heavy loads that your biceps fatigue first. If you find you need to spot yourself to keep the dumbbell from falling forward, just use your other hand to hold it in position.

Do your reps on one arm then switch to the other arm. You can switch immediately or you can take a short rest before switching as some of the same core muscles will be used, even though you're using different arms.

For heavier loads, you'll want to do lower reps...I'm doing just 2-3 reps with this weight. You can absolutely go for higher reps when using lighter weight.


Adding in a Goblet Squat

Another excellent variation of the exercise involves rotating through a Goblet Squat and switching hands during the set. This will give you a more complete and balanced overall workout for the core.

Start with a Curl Squat, done just as you did before.

When you get to the top, tip the dumbbell and set your other hand under the plates, getting into position for the Goblet Squat.

Once both hands are set, do the Goblet Squat.

At the top of the Goblet Squat, switch to the other hand for the Curl Squat.

Then repeat the sequence in the other direction.

This method allows you to very easily switch hands during the Curl Squat so that you get balanced workload between the two sides, along with the more conventional Goblet Squat.

I showed this one with a moderate weight and a bit higher reps, however you can absolutely work it with heavier loads as well and potentially burn out just on the Goblet Squats at the end, once you're fatigued on the Curl Squats, since that's the stronger exercise.

Bottom line, the One Dumbbell Curl Squat (and Goblet Squat combo) is a fantastic exercise for developing core strength using very simple equipment. You will feel this one working your core in ways it has never worked before.

You can watch the full video of this exercise here.

Watch it starting from the exercise demo here.


Want More Killer Core Training Like This?

Get 5 more exercises to trash your core here!


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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