Subject: Build your chest FAST with this cool push-up exercise...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Push-ups are a staple bodyweight exercise for the chest and for
good reason...they work.

One of the BIG problems with the push-up, though, especially if
building muscle is your goal, becomes apparent as you get're limited by your bodyweight for resistance and
it soon isn't enough to promote growth in the chest.

So that's where the One-Arm Bench Push-Up comes in...and it's the
exercise I'm going to show you today!

This is a simple variation of the push-up that's going to give
you two major benefits...

1. It puts more tension on one arm, similar to a regular one-arm
push-up, only focusing more on the chest than on the triceps,
like regular one-arm push-ups do.

2. It puts a great stretch on the other non-working pec as you're
coming down into the push-up.

3. You'll be able to use more resistance than just plain
bodyweight because the tension of your bodyweight is more focused
on one side at at time, making this exercise more effective for
building muscle mass.

Okay, so that's 3 benefits... ;)

Click here to learn it now!



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