Subject: Break all the training "rules" and gain 5-7 lbs of muscle in 28 days...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass

So I wanted to get you some more info on my Muscle Explosion program,
if you're interested. I didn't have time to get the full rundown all
posted in text format here, but I do still have the replay up of
the teleseminar on the program I did last night:

Because even if you THINK you've got TERRIBLE genetics
for building muscle...

Even if you THINK you've REACHED your genetic limits for
muscle growth...

This program WILL work for you.


It will work because you're going to attack muscle growth at it's
most BASIC won't be just training your muscles...THAT
will only get you so far.

I'm talking about training and maximizing ALL the internal SYSTEMS
in your body that make muscle growth itself POSSIBLE!

The "Muscle Explosion" program is a revolutionary concept in training.

Rather than haphazardly doing sets and exercises in hopes that
something will result in bigger muscles...rather than calculating
percentages and tables trying to figure out what weights to use to
try and squeeze just one more ounce of growth out...

You are instead going to take a whole NEW approach...and it's an
approach that will pay off BIG (as you'll soon see when you start
having to buy new clothes because you keep STRETCHING your old
ones to SHREDS with new size).

You see, when you hear people talking about their "genetic
limitations" for muscle-building, what they're REALLY talking
about (without really even knowing it!) are their PHYSIOLOGICAL
limitations for muscle-building.

To really explain this, I want you to think of your body as a city...

In order to grow, your city needs infrastructure (like water,
sewer and electricity, which is like your bones, connective tissue
and blood circulation) to support new construction (i.e. new muscle).

So what happens when you start putting up buildings without
also improving the infrastructure to keep up?

Your city may TRY to grow but it CAN'T. The infrastructure WILL

See the parallel? You may be using THE most effective MUSCLE-
building training on the planet, but if your body can't
physiologically SUPPORT that new muscle, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. It
CAN'T grow. Or if it DOES grow, your body then does everything it
can to get RID of that extra muscle that's putting a drain on
the system!

It's not necessarily because your genetics's because
your body's systems have not been OPTIMIZED to HOLD and SUPPORT
that extra muscle tissue.

And THAT is where "Muscle Explosion" takes over.

- It takes POWERFUL muscle-building training and sets it up
with DIRECT training of the physiological systems that
support muscle tissue and growth.

- It uses targeted nutritional techniques to hit your body
with a RAGING FLOOD of hormones that will send your muscle-
making machinery into OVERDRIVE.

Your body will be able to deliver more nutrients will
be able to support more weight more will be hit with
an EXPLOSION of growth-producing hormones...

And it will have ALL the tools it needs to TRULY maximize the amount
of muscle mass you're able to carry.

This program takes you by the hand, tells you what to do every step
of the way, and then gives you the SOLID KICK IN THE PANTS that you
NEED to REALLY take your physique to the limit!

When you click on the following link, you're going to learn FIVE of
THE MOST POWERFUL "genetics shattering" training and nutritional
techniques that I've got in my arsenal.

On this page, you're going to learn about the very same techniques
I used on myself to gain 35 POUNDS of bodyweight (with very
minimal fat gain!) in a little more than 4 months.

** And 35 POUNDS is what I gained while I was JUST TESTING
the program. Much of that wasn't even using the FINAL,
MOST POWERFUL version of the program! **

You're also going to learn how to BREAK ALL THE RULES of muscle-
building and DESTROY any growth plateaus you've hit. You will be
AMAZED at what this training looks like...and what it'll do for you!

Here is that link...

So if you want a program that will SLAM the muscle onto your body


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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