Subject: Blow up your upper chest with Leaning Svend Presses...

This one really digs into those hard-to-get-at fibers of the upper chest.

The exercise is a variation of the Svend Press (which I'll explain below if you're not familiar with might also call it a seated Squeeze Press).

It's an isometric contraction on the pecs that shifts tension as you move your hands away from your body while squeezing weight in between your hands.

This version of the exercise is done with a pair of weight plates, sandwiched together, seated on a flat bench.

The normal version is done standing, moving your arms directly out in front of you. Sitting on a flat bench allows you to easily lean forward to change the angle of your arms at the shoulders to focus on the upper pecs.

Press the plates together (I'm using a pair of 10 lb plates) and hold them at your upper chest. Sit on the bench and lean forward a little.

Now extend your elbows, pushing inwards as hard as you can to keep the weight plates together.

Keep extending until your arms are straight (or very nearly straight). This angle at the shoulder is critical for activating the upper chest so try and keep the arm horizontal in order to maintain it.

Perform this exercise slowly and under constant, horrible tension.

Here's a straight-on view.

When you burn out with two plates, you can do a literal drop set...drop one plate and keep going.

Perform this exercise either as a finisher or as an activation exercise before you do your regular chest training. It's not going to build mass on its own as the resistance isn't great enough. The tension, however, is excellent.

Aim for 6-10+ reps per set.

And even though you're using light weight, you'll probably SOUND like you're using a heavier weight...


Want to see more killer chest exercises like this?

Here's a playlist of ALL my chest exercises on YouTube

I've got 58 exercises on that list...some really insane and awesome stuff.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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