Subject: BETTER way to do cardio...Kettlebell One-Arm Swing Step-Ups...(awesome)

Cardio/conditioning training is important,
especially if you want to lose fat as fast as
possible and develop your cardiovascular

Typical cardio can be quite boring and ineffective if you use
exercises that allow you to plug away for long periods of
time without any focus, attention or intensity.

That's where THIS resistance-based cardio exercise comes's a kettlebell (or dumbell) swing done at the same time
you're stepping up and down on a bench, Step platform or
stairs. It works ALL the major muscle groups in your ENTIRE
body in one combination movement.

It sounds really complicated and a one-arm
kettlebell swing combined with a step-up. But once you get
the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy and pretty natural to do.

Bench Step-Ups themselves are a great low-equipment way
to get some cardio training done. This essentially doubles
the effectiveness of that cardio by including an upper body
and core component to the exercise, dramatically increasing
calories burned and the metabolic effect of the exercise.

Learn how to do Ketttlebell One-Arm Swing Step-Ups here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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