Subject: BEST bicep superset combo EVER...(seriously, try this)

I know that nobody ever really WANTS wants to train biceps...they're always an afterthought in most bodybuilding programs, especially with guys...

...yeah, right.

Getting back to reality for a moment, I've put together a KILLER combination for your biceps that will spark some SERIOUS growth, even if you've been stuck in a plateau for a long time.

You'll start with a unique variation of the Incline Curl...done using a BARBELL instead of dumbbells.

In order to do this one, you'll either need a spotter to pass you the weight (and take it down) or a power rack to set the bar on the rails of so you can reach it yourself.

Don't worry about curling in the rack, either...I can safely tell you that you WON'T be curling in the power rack here. I know this because you'll be using a weight that you CAN'T actually curl! You'll load the bar with a supra-maximal weight that does not allow you to move the bar more than an inch or two.

Because what we're looking for here is just the INTENTION to curl...not an actual curl.

The focus of this exercise is a loaded stretch...we're putting the biceps in their peak anatomically possible stretch position then we're LOADING them with relatively HEAVY weight in that position.

In terms of actual load, use a weight you could normally get about 8 reps with on a standing barbell curl...we're putting stretch-tension on the bicep MUSCLE...but not so much that we cause any connective tissue injury, so using a weight your body is already capable of (for a normal curl) is important.

This stretch-tension is the spark that IGNITES muscle growth by forcing greater muscle fiber activation as a mechanism of self-preservation...your body is literally FORCED to engage as many fibers as possible to bear the load.

How to Do It

If you have a spotter, it's easy..just get an incline bench set up and load your bar. Have them hand it to you behind your back when you're in the incline postion.

If you're using a power rack, set the rails to about knee height, then set the bench partway in the rack. I usually set the incline to about 30 degree or so.

When you get into position on the incline bench, DO NOT sit on the seat...sit on the bench about halfway up with your FEET on the seat. This means your head and part of your upper back is off the top end of the bench.

This is key as it allows you to get your shoulders back further, puff the chest out and seriously RAMP UP the stretch on the biceps (I recommend you do this for regular dumbbell incline curls as well).

The setup may take a bit of adjusting, so use just an empty bar until you get it right. Once you do, then you can add weight. I'm using 95 lbs for this exercise.

Sit on the bench, lean back and grip the bar in your fingers...then roll it up into your palms.

Now feel the stretch and actively TRY to curl the bar up. The weight should be too heavy to move it very far but the key is not to just allow a passive stretch. We want ACTIVE resistance on the biceps here in this max-stretch position.

This active resistance also keeps the tension focused on the MUSCLE rather than the connective tissue.

Hold this contraction for as long as you will be painful, just fyi. Honestly, it's likely you will NEVER have felt this kind of stretch in your biceps ever before.

When you can't hold it anymore, set the bar back down on the rails and stand up.

Grab your dumbbells (I'm using 35 lb dumbbells) and start curling. Go one arm at a time to allow for greater focus on the working muscle.

Use a very strict movement, feeling the bicep doing the work all the way up. This is not the time to challenge yourself with how much weight you can lift...this is all about the SQUEEZE on the bicep.

Repeat for as many reps as you can get...and please DO NOT count reps..just DO them.

Reps don't matter here. Get your mind into the muscle and really FEEL the biceps working until you can't perform any more with good form.

The first time you try this superset, I would recommend doing it just once. I wouldn't do it any more than twice, though, because even though it feels AMAZING for the biceps, you can get too much of a good thing and overwork the biceps. Take at least 2 minutes rest before you go again.

This superset is one of THE best combos for biceps that I've ever hits the peak stretch position then hits the biceps with serious muscle-building tension in a full range of motion exercise immediately after, with a focus on the peak contraction at the top.

If you don't feel your biceps worked after this one, check your pulse....

If you want to watch the full video of this technique in action, I've posted it on my YouTube channel here...(which you should definitely be subscribed to if you happen to like any of the crazy stuff that I post!)

And if you'd like even MORE killer bicep exercises like this, I've got you covered. Check out my book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of":

Enjoy! And let me know how you like that combo above, if you try it!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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