Subject: At-home chest-building with just Push-Ups (killer technique)

This is my FAVORITE way to use push-ups to actually BUILD the chest.

Because here's the thing...if you're fairly strong, push-ups won't generally give you enough resistance to actually build your chest effectively.

I've got the solution for you.

You're going to be doing a variation of my Time-Volume Training protocol using elevated-feet a very specific way.

Time-Volume Training is a form of density training that I came up with to build muscle using sub-maximal weight, focusing on targeted volume rather than intensity (more on this below). It's PERFECT for training during a lockdown like we're in right now when gyms are closed.


Here's how to build your chest with push-ups...

For this version of Time-Volume Training, instead of doing a 15 minute block for chest (which I what I normally recommend), you're going to do a 40 minute block of time.

This long of a training block is very useful for exercises where you can get a lot more than 10 reps, which is especially true of push-ups.

Each rep should be done with perfect form, focusing on good muscle contraction, not just completing the movement.

For this demo, I'm uisng a variation of the push-up that I call Hooked Feet Push-Ups. It's done with your feet hooked over a bar and elevated so your body is at a downward angle, which targets the upper pecs. Your hands are set on the front edge of a flat bench.

Elevating your feet puts more loading on the chest (especially upper chest).

Here's what this particular exercise looks like:

Obviously, not everybody has a rack setup like can do it with regular push-ups, or feet-elevated push-ups, or even hands-elevated push-ups (easier, like on a table or countertop).

If you DO have something you can elevated your hands on AND your feet (like I'm showing in the pics), it's going to help a lot in terms of body position.

When you do feet-elevated push-ups with your hands on the floor, your face gets in the way. With your hands elevated as well, you can see in the pictures that I can maintain a decline body angle at the bottom, without having to flatten out like you would with hands on the floor.


Here's the workout structure...

  • Get into position for the exercise and perform a set of 3 reps. Again, focus on perfect form.
  • Set your feet down and rest 10 seconds.
  • Then do another set of 3 reps.
  • Rest 10 seconds.
  • Now repeat.
  • If you get to the point where you can no longer get three good reps, increase the rest to 20 seconds between sets.
  • So instead of decreasing weight or changing body position (or breaking form), we're increasing the rest periods.
  • If you get to the point where you can't hit three good reps on 20 seconds rest, go to 30 seconds rest.

This pattern allows you to put massive volume on the exercise. You're essentially doing 40 minutes of push-ups with 10 seconds rest (or 20, etc.).

This can be translated to just about any exercise, whether it's bodyweight or free weight or even a machine.

This is a GREAT training session and well worth giving a try if you have a specific lift or area you want to work on. I've done this method with chin-ups, and it's AWESOME as well.

Give this one a try and I promise you will get a pump in your chest that will blow your mind.

The continuous volume-based workload you're going to put on your chest is something it has NEVER experienced'll push massive amounts of growth-producing blood into the pecs.


Complete Time-Volume Training Manual Coming Soon!

This is something I'm very excited about.

Time-Volume Training is a protocol that is absolutely PERFECT for what we're all dealing with right now in terms of how it affects our training.

I designed it to allow you to build muscle and strength (and burn fat), using sub-maximal weight or even NO weight at all (like in the version above).

You don't need much at all in terms of equipment and it is EXTREMELY effective.

I'm just in the final phases of putting it all together...I've got a bunch of different variations for you to work with (I just came up with a new one last night, in fact).


** If you're interested in this manual, hit reply and let me know. **

When the manual is ready, I'll make an announcement to everybody, but if you drop me an email to let me know you're keen on this, I'll make a special bonus available just for you :).



(P.S. If you have one dumbbell and are looking for a good total-body workout, try this one - Single Dumbbell Attack. It's awesome).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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