Subject: Are you buying supplements (and more) online? Read this...

What if you NEVER had to pay full price for any health and fitness products you buy online again?

I'm going to tell you how you can do's easy and it's free.

Because honestly, with what's going on the world, it seems like people are buying just about EVERYTHING online right now.

And as more and more states, provinces and countries go into "stay at home" mode, online ordering and delivery is looking better and better...even essential.


That's where my Fitness Buyers Group comes in...

I've just created a FREE option for the site.

Just a few months ago, I launched my Fitness Buyers Group service as a way to give cash back to people who purchased health and fitness products online.

In just this short period of time, many members have already received back HUNDREDS of dollars in cash back from their purchases.

So what I wanted to do (especially at this time), is make this service more readily available to EVERYBODY.

You can learn more about it and sign up right now here.


Here's how it works...

1. Online health and fitness stores have affiliate programs (including Amazon).

2. When you click through one of our tracking links, that store pays a commission back to us.

3. When you're a Fitness Buyers Group free member, we split that commission with you, 50/50, paying you cash back on every purchase you make.

4. That's pretty much it.

It's super simple to do and you can sign up here for free right now.

(Just so you know up front, right now I can only offer this service for US and Canadian customers. I'm looking at bringing in other countries in the near future, though).


What's the catch?

There's literally no catch.

You don't have to pay a dime for a membership...and when you buy something, you get paid back half the commission into your pocket.

All you need to do is make sure that you click on the special tracking links in the members area when you go to make your purchase, so that the commission gets paid out.

Even if you're not very computer savvy, this is something you can definitely do. If you've ever bought anything online, you're already more than ready for this :).

Click here now to claim your free membership and start getting cash back on all your fitness and health purchases!


Got questions? Fire away.

I've got a full list of FAQ's on the main page as well as a complete list of all the stores currently in the system and how much cash back you can get from each one.

There are about 130 stores in the system as of right now, and I've got another 40 ready to add in the near future. I also take requests, if you have stores you don't see there and shop at regularly or products you're interested in.

This includes supplements, vitamins, fitness equipment (like home exercise equipment, for example!), training information products, food delivery services and much more.

And you can get cash back on every single one of them...for free...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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