Subject: Are these 4 HEALTHY cereals making you gain fat?

I'll be honest...I still eat cereal...maybe once or twice a month...and pretty much only when I can't think of anything else to have for dinner and I'm too lazy too cook

(yeah, you read that right...I eat cereal for dinner sometimes).

In the last few years, I've moved almost completely away from eating cereal just as a general rule.

Some of it can be okay, when eaten at the right times...a lot of it is just garbage. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how horrible the VAST majority of kids cereals are...they'd be better off eating the box intead of the sugary junk inside.

Even your "grown up" cereals can sabotage your efforts to lose fat, though.

This free report gives you the rundown on 4 cereals that you THINK would be healthy, but actually shut down your fat-loss...and can even cause you to GAIN fat.

For my breakfast, I eat half a dozen whole eggs, cooked with "grass-fed" butter and some chia seeds on the side. Keeps my blood sugar stable so I don't have an afternoon crash and keeps me in "fat-burning" mode during the day.

No cereal.

Grab your free cereal report here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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