Subject: Are martial arts good for self-defense? (must read)...

This is a critically important question...

Because honestly, getting the answer wrong could get you or your family hurt or killed.

The answer is...

Sometimes yes, but not for everybody.

Mike Gillette, the creator of the Real Self Defense program that I mentioned yesterday was asked this question. And his answer made a lot of sense to me.

Martial arts CAN be good for self defense...but at their core, they are ARTS. They require practice and committment, they have rules, and they're not generally designed for actual "down and dirty" real-world crime situations.

A spinning roundhouse kick to the head of an attacker LOOKS awesome...and if it connects exactly where you aim it, you'll drop him. If it doesn't, you're dead meat...and there is no referee to break things up when you're on the ground.

Plus, it takes YEARS to learn the techniques to get really good at martial arts...enough to really use them to defend yourself.

So basically, martial arts absolutely CAN be good for self defense...but you have to be good enough to use them effectively.

This is why Mike put together his Real Self Defense course.

When the stress comes at you hard and fast, you'll default to your most basic level of training...and for most people, that training is NOTHING.

Mike's goal is to give you a system of EASY TO LEARN techniques that you can use even when you're in the worst situation, literally fighting for your life.

It's highly effective, PROVEN stuff that doesn't take forever to learn.

When "it" hits the fan, if your training is zero...that's about how much chance you've got.

Now, just to be clear, this is not stuff to use when somebody bumps into you at the bar or cuts in line in front of you.

These are DEVASTATING techniques that are designed to seriously hurt the person trying to hurt you...not for "getting into a scrap."

This is the kind of stuff you want to be ready to use when your life truly is on the line.

Please have a read through the page and seriously consider grabbing a copy of this course.

I know it's not really fitness-related but I've always felt strongly about this stuff. I think everybody should have at least some GOOD, EFFECTIVE knowledge about how to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Get your copy here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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