Subject: 6 killer new exercises (a deadlift, 2 bench presses, sit-ups, 2 chin-ups)

So the past couple of weeks, I've posted some very cool stuff on my Instagram and Facebook pages.

I've got 6 of them posted for you to check out here...and yeah, I don't know how I come up with some of this stuff, either.

FYI, you don't need to have an Instagram account or Facebook account or be following me in order to watch them (though you should follow me, if you have accounts - I post a lot of cool stuff on those).


1. Three-Bar Stiff-Legged Deadlift

This is a great way to hit the hamstrings and glutes. It actually mimics the "car deadlift" event you'll often see in strongman events.

Watch on Instagram

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2. Cable-DB Press

This is a press with a dumbbell in one hand and a cable in the other hand - two different types of resistance makes for serious muscle activation.

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3. Full Range Crunch to Situp

This one destroyed my abs - it's a braced-knee position, going from a stretched crunch up into a sit-up (that doesn't hurt your back).

Watch on Instagram

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4. Two-Bar Javelin Bench Press

This one really challenges your upper body balacing and stabilizer muscles. Great for the chest, too.

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5. Side Loaded Weighted Chins

Very simple adjustment to where you hang the extra weight...really lights up one lat at a time.

Watch on Instagram

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6. Plate Balancing Chin-Ups

I did this with two plates, but I would recommend starting with one. It's a fantastic way to change up the grip for chin-ups, especially if you don't have a neutral grip handle. The plate(s) goes on top of the bar and you grip the edges.

Watch on Instagram

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That's all for now!

If you have any questions about any of these exercises (even if it's just to question my sanity), let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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