Subject: 57 yr old grandpa runs circles around U.S. Marines...

Is age really just a number?

One 57-year old AUSTIN, TX native seems to think so… 

Locals know him as the “ripped grandpa”... and he was recently caught on camera doing just as many push-ups, pull-ups and wind sprints with U.S. Marines half his age. 

He attributes his newfound “edge” to a simple 10-second routine he does every morning…

That gives him the energy, drive, and stamina of a man 10-15 years younger. 

“I may not feel exactly 30 again, but I feel damn close. Plus… I like having the experience of a guy in his 50s… with the performance and energy of a much younger guy. To me, that’s like winning the lotto,” Mark says.

Discover this ripped grandpa’s secret below:

=> 10-second ritual has 57 year old grandpa running circles around U.S. Marines

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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