Subject: 5 new "at-home" exercises to try...

Got some great exercises for you to try out for your at-home training this coming week...

These are posted on my Instagram don't need to have an account to watch the videos, though.

If you have any questions about any of them, you can comment on the IG page or just hit reply to this email.

And be sure to Follow my channel, if you haven't already!


1. Kettlebell Swing to Reverse Lunge

I demonstrated this one with a kettlebell, though it could potentially also be done with a dumbbell. You swing a kb up and across your body, catch the bell part in your other hand then come down into a reverse lunge.

This is a fantastic conditioning exercise that hits all of your lower body and a good chunk of your upper body as well. I've got some important performance tips in the description of it, so be sure to read that.


2. Two Chair Lateral Raises

All you need for this one is a couple of light chairs. You'll be using the backs of the chairs to brace your forearms, which forces you to do strict lateral raises for your side delts.


3. Cross-Body Knee Band Push-Ups

If you've got a single light band, this one will hammer your abs. You'll stretch the band diagonally between one foot and the opposing forearm. Then as you come to the top of a push-up, you'll bring your knee across and under your body, against the band, for a monster contraction.


4. Dumbbell Glute Kickbacks

This is a great way to work the glutes hard. While I'm using a heavy dumbbell in the demo, you can use a light one as well and perform higher reps. You'll set the dumbbell behind your knee as you're on all fours on the floor, then extend you leg back and up, with the dumbbell providing direct resistance.


5. Captain's Chair Banded Reverse Hyperextensions

This one does require a bit of special equipment but could also be fairly easily rigged up to be done on a solid table at home, if you have that. You can do it with a band (like I'm showing) which gives you great decompression in the lower back at the bottom, or you can do it without resistance (more focused on the spinal erector muscles at the top of the movement).


That's all for now. Enjoy!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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