Subject: 4 Keys To REAL Strength

"I train my body to not accept what it thinks are my limits. And
I continue to redefine those limits in order to get stronger."

I love that quote...

Here's the deal...EVERYONE, and that means even YOU, posseses
the ability to get stronger than you are right now.

In fact, you probably don't realize just how strong you truly CAN
be simply because you're using training techniques and programs that
don't address REAL strength properly (and normal bodybuilding
training won't cut it).

Recently I was sent over a program put together by former SWAT
Commander and Bodyguard Mike Gillette.

And I have to say, when it comes to building strength (both physical
and mental), Mike is the real deal. I've not met him personally, but
I've read through his program and seen what he's personally capable
of in the strength department (I'll tell you more about that later -
it's INSANE).

What he preaches is right in line with how I do are a
few of my favorite quotes from the program (the first line of this
email was my very favorite):

"Don't pump iron. Become iron."

"We start with things which are hard and then we find ways
to make them even harder."

"The magic formula to getting strong is hard work performed
intelligently. It’s about the right program made up of the right
movements and then taking that program and working your
butt off. That’s it. Where the ‘mystery’ lies is what exactly that
program is and just what those movements are."

And he's got four of his best tips for unlocking your body's hidden
strength potential here:

Click here to get Mike's 4 Hidden Strength Keys


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