Subject: 3 killer new garage gym exercises...

Got 3 killer exercises that you can use for your garage gym training over the holidays.

(you don't HAVE to be in a garage for all of them but one of them is really something you can only do in a garage!)

Exercise #1 - Step Ladder Weighted Step Ups

This one is done using a rack, a heavy dumbbell and a step ladder (that I happened to have handy in my garage). It hits the legs hard while also challenging your grip strength.

Exercise #2 - Hang Clean and Press to Pull-Ups

With this one, you'll need a rack that has pins on the outside. This one hits the upper back and shoulders very strongly, working both vertical pushing and vertical pulling.

Exercise #3 - Brachialis Plate Swings

For this one, you'll need a pair of weight plates that has built-in handles. It's going to hit the posterior chain as well as the brachialis muscles of the upper arms. Works great as a finisher.


All three of these exercises are posted on my Instagram feed (you don't need an account to watch them). Be sure and follow me on there if you haven't yet!

I've got something special coming for you right after Christmas too, so keep your eyes peeled!

Merry Christmas!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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