Subject: 3 great ideas for improvised training equipment...

You can get a great workout with just about anything...and honestly, sometimes it works even BETTER than training with "normal" equipment.

Over the past few days, I've posted a few really cool ideas onto my Instagram account, using a pair of shin guards, two bike helmets, a sandbag and a skateboard...(click here to go there and follow me on there).

I wanted to share these with you to give you some ideas on how YOU can get creative, too.

1. Shin Guard Bench Press - I found the shin guards to be incredibly effective for increasing chest muscle activation (and yes, looks crazy).

2. Two Helmet Push-Ups - This allow for a wide-open hand position, that also helps strengthen the fingers while increasing range of motion.

3. Skateboard and Sandbag Reverse Lunges - This is an AWESOME leg exercise, hitting the glutes and the adductors extremely hard.

I would absolutely encourage you to scroll through the stuff on my feed there, too. I've posted almost 500 pictures and videos on there...primarily training stuff...some dog pictures and some random stuff :).

Check it out here and click the Follow button.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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