Subject: 3 foods to fix man boobs...

According to Florida State University, there’s been a recent “castration chemical” outbreak that’s been feminizing men across the world…

Causing a sluggish libido and puffy man boobs….

And even a healthy diet and exercise can’t save them…

Because this emasculating chemical has infested our water supply and livestock…

So 91% of men are unknowingly walking around with a ‘testosterone parasite’…

Sucking them dry of their masculinity and testosterone every moment.

The good news is...there are 3 foods that are proven to chew up and spit out this “castration chemical”...

And turn man boobs into rock-hard pecs.

Check them out here:

>> 3 foods that turn man boobs into rock-hard pecs

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. Through the link above, you'll find a product that contains these foods. After researching the ingredients and testing this stuff out on myself, I liked it enough to actually recommend it to my father as well (and he likes it a lot and noticed a difference in energy levels right away!).

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