Subject: 3 INSANE exercise that will help you squat, bench and deadlift MORE

You're only as strong as your weakest link...and if you have a weak link in your bench press, squat or deadlift, you will NEVER truly maximize your strength in ANY of those exercises.

That's just a fact.

And that's where these 3 exercises come in...

I've come up with three INSANE exercises that are going to help you destroy the weak points in your three big lifts.

No mercy.

You're going to learn...

1. Flat-Bench Floor Presses

This one targets your bench press sticking point using a very unique setup. It's similar to a floor press but done on a bench so that you  can use your legs to help develop power, just as you would in a  regular press (which you CAN'T do on the floor).

2. Stiff-Legged Deadlift Partial Range Training For Deadlift Lockout Strength

If you have issues locking out a heavy deadlift, use this exercise and it will NEVER be a problem again. Seriously. And your  upper back will get HUGE.

3. One-Shoulder Barbell Squats

If core strength is an issue in your squat, coming out of the hole,  THIS exercise is going to be your new best friend. It allows you to use heavy loads while putting INCREDIBLE tension on the deep supporting muscles of your a squatting movement pattern, so you develop core strength SPECIFIC to the squat exercise.


You don't want to just LOOK strong,  you want to BE strong.

And the more weight you can lift in the big three exercises (bench,  squat and deadlift), the more muscle you're going to carry on your body.

Learn 3 of the BEST weak-point exercises you've never heard of here and BLAST your lifts to the next level...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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