Subject: 10 surefire ways to STAY skinny!

After working with teenage skinny guys for
years, I've got a solid handle on what
mistakes to avoid if you want to gain more
muscle this year.

Here we go: 

1. Not establishing a specific and measurable goal with
a time-limit. 

e.g. of a Bad goal: "I want to gain more weight."  
e.g. of a Good goal: "I want to gain 15 pounds of fat-free
mass muscle by May 1,2014." 

Now we're talking. 

2. Being terrified of "losing your abs". Keep your top 4 abs
in sight while you're bulking and you're golden. 

3. Wasting more energy monitoring other peoples
progress rather than your own. 

4. Not incorporating workouts purely dedicated to
gaining SIZE and workouts purely dedicated to
gaining STRENGTH. 

5. Spend more time on social media debating with
successful coaches on why you still look the same. 

6. Not learning how to prepare delicious meals in bulk.  

7. Program hop. (Unless the program you're following
now sucks) 

8. Going at it alone and without a support community
or partner to hold you accountable, keep you focused,
and provide immediate answers when you're stuck. 

9. Whine and complain that good food and supplements
are expensive. 

10. "Winging" your workouts and not following an
intelligently designed program that periodizes volume,
intensity and frequency. 

Interested in gaining more muscle in the next 28-days
than most guys will gain this entire year?  If so, you're
going to want to check this out right now: 

==> How to rapidly gain muscle in the next 28-days!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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