Subject: WARNING: Your shampoo could be killing your "T" levels...

Yep, it's true, and you're going to want to take this seriously
because low testosterone ("T") could be strongly affecting
your results in the gym...and many other aspects of your life.

Nearly ALL commercial shampoos contain the female
hormone "estrogen" in them.

Even worse, these are chemical forms of estrogen that your
body has a difficult time processing and getting rid of once
they're in.

If you're a man, you may have already started seeing the signs, such as:

- Decreased libido
- Unexplained bodyfat (especially in the belly and chest area)
- Lack of "performance" in the bedroom
- Less energy and mental focus

So here's what I want you to do right now...

Go to your shower and grab your shampoo (yes, if you're at home,
do it right now so you don't forget)

Look on the ingredients label for anything that ends with
"-paraben" (such as methylparabens, butylparabens, etc.)

If you see any parabens in your shampoo, you've got chemical-based
estrogens in it. When you take a hot shower, your pores will open
up and allow those chemicals to be absorbed directly through your skin.

And honestly, if you've ever taken some time to look at the ingredients
in a commercial shampoo, the only ingedient you might even
recognize is water! The rest is a chemical soup that can actively work
against the proper hormone balance in your body.

Get rid of it as soon as you can!

There are other toxic estrogenic ingredients to look out for as well
and you can find them here...

This is the #1 resource for Men who are looking to naturally increase
testosterone while combating the "estrogen pollution" that's literally
turning men into women.

Check out the solution to the testosterone problem here


P.S. Naturally, just changing your shampoo isn't going to suddenly cause
you to gain massive slabs of muscle or anything like that...the key idea
I want to get across is that little things (like estrogens in your shampoo)
will add up over time and can absolutely lead to significant changes in
your "T" levels.

Environmental estrogens, such as we get from the products we use on
our bodies, all contribute to "estrogen pollution" that can lead to large
decreases in "T" levels that affect men's health, well-being AND our
abillity to build muscle.

It is a serious problem and it DOES have a natural solution.


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