Subject: Time-efficient leg, core and shoulder training...all in one exercise!

This exercise is a powerful one...time-efficient
training at it's best!

It's going to work your lower body, core and some of your
upper body all in one shot. It's real "functional" training that
actually isn't useless. It's also excellent for "metabolic" type
training (i.e. training targeted for fat loss rather than building
strength or muscle).

It combines the Lunge (or Reverse Lunge) with an overhead
lock-out of a dumbbell, which engages the core and shoulders
while performing the lunging movement for the lower body.

To perform this one, you'll need to be comfortable doing
either Lunges (step forward) and/ or Reverse Lunges (stepping

Use a fairly light or moderate-weight dumbbell the first time
you try this one. You can move up a bit from there, once
you get the feel for it, but it should never be targeted as a
"heavy" movement.

Get the weight up to the top lockout position either with a
dumbbell snatch or with a shoulder press. Step forward
then come down into the lunge.

Add me to your address book and enable images to see this exercise in action!Add me to your address book and enable images to see this exercise in action!Add me to your address book and enable images to see this exercise in action!

Now explode back up to the standing position and step
forward with the other leg.

You can also perform this exercise with a Reverse Lunge.
Again, hold the dumbbell at lockout overhead. Now take a
big step back. Then come down into the bottom lunge

Add me to your address book and enable images to see this exercise in action!Add me to your address book and enable images to see this exercise in action!Add me to your address book and enable images to see this exercise in action!

By holding a single dumbbell overhead, you're going to
challenge your core with the unbalanced load (and with the
load being held overhead).

The lockout position is going to involve the shoulders. The
lunge itself involves the muscles of the lower body. And
you'll be challenging your balance as well.

As I mentioned above, you're not going to build massive
muscle or strength with this one, but it's GREAT for
metabolic conditioning (i.e. fat loss training) and stabilizing
core work.

Check out the video here...(and be sure to subscribe to my
channel if you haven't already)

Check out the video her


(side note, "The Best Leg Exercises You've Never Heard Of" is
coming soon! Keep an eye out for it!)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad S
cientist of Muscle"

If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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