Subject: Last chance TODAY to learn how to eat for "fast" fat loss...

So just really quick, I wanted to give you a heads-up that today
is the last day
you'll be able to pick up John Romaniello and
Dan Go's program "Fat Loss Forever," which is all about targeted
intermittent fasting, for $50 off the price it's going to be.

Grab your copy for $50 off here

Now here's the no-hype explanation of what it's all about...

If you're not familiar with the term "intermittent fasting," it basically
means short periods of going without eating. This is not fasting for
long periods like you might associate with religious practices...this
is essentially going without food for short, strategic periods in order
to set up a more efficient fat-burning state in your body.

One thing I've found in my years of training is that eating TOO
frequently can actually dampen fat loss
(yes, even with small
meals like you're "supposed" to do), even on a low-calorie diet. When
you eat, your body goes into "storage mode"...when you don't eat, it
goes into "burning mode."

The key is learning how to balance eating infrequently with eating enough
quantity to maintain muscle mass and metabolic rate. John and Dan have
done that for you and have struck a good balance of this in their program.

And one of the best things about this program is something I've been
preaching for years...targeting your training to the nutrients you're eating
(and the hormonal states these nutrients create in your body) to maximize
the goal you're trying to achieve.

In this case, the goal is fat loss and it's the ABSENCE of nutrients that sets
the stage for the fat loss.

Strategic intermittent fasting combined with training matched to the
hormonal states the fasting puts your body in is actually an INCREDIBLY
powerful concept and one that I'm absolutely comfortable recommending.

So if you've hit a fat-loss plateau or if you're interested in learning more
about intermittent fasting in general, this is an excellent resource to pick
up and I highly recommend it.

Get your copy of Fat Loss Foverer for $50 off here


P.S. If you do decide to pick up the program, be sure and use one of the
links in this email...when you do (and ONLY when you do!) I'm kicking in
one of my own books "The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of".
Just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up.

P.P.S. All this talk about not eating is making me hungry...

If you are too, I just talked Dale Buchanan into giving me a special coupon
code for you for his Raw Food Protein bars for 20% off - PROTEINBAR20.
Just put that in at checkout and get an instant 20% off.

If you haven't tried them yet, these things are delicious and VERY nutritious...
raw, organic ingredients.


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