Subject: Intermittent fasting for fat-loss...real or wishful thinking?

Just don't eat...

Very simple and very effective for fat loss :).

See that food over there? Don't eat it.

In all seriousness, though, intermittent fasting for fat loss IS a
legitimate fat-loss strategy that bears more explanation.

At it's simplest, fasting you can think of as going more than 24 to
48 hours or more without food. Intermittent fasting can be defined
as shorter periods of going without food (e.g. less than 24 hours)
interspersed with strategic, timed feedings.

So IS intermittent fasting for real in terms of fat loss?


And if you're struggling to break through a fat-loss plateau, you can
see real benefits from...

1. A hormonal perspective...the less frequently you eat, the more
stable your insulin levels will be and the longer you'll remain in a
fat-burning hormonal state during the day.

2. A total calorie-load perspective...the fewer meals you have in
a day, the fewer overall calories you will (generally speaking) eat. The
superiority of the 5-6 meals a day idea has actually NEVER been proven
in a scientific study and, in my opinion, eating too frequently can actually
set you back in your fat loss efforts.

3. A convenience perspective...the less frequently you eat, the less
frequently you have to prepare food, saving time and energy (it's one of
the reasons I like it).

And it's not as hard to do as you think...

...IF you know what you're doing.

You have to know the best approaches not only for timing the periods
of intermittent fasting, you also need to know how to best TRAIN while
you're doing these periods of intermittment fasting so you can take full
advantage of the hormonal state the fasting puts your body in.

Bottom line is this...if a more "normal" approach to fat-loss nutrition
hasn't been working for you, intermittent fasting is something you
should really take a look at.

And while it's not for everybody (many people simply don't do well
going without food for extended periods), it can be extremely effective
for some...almost a "magic bullet" approach that gets results when
normal eating doesn't.

"Done For You" Intermittent Fasting

Now, if you're interested in a complete "done for you" intermittent
fasting fat-loss program (and no, that doesn't mean somebody else is
going to do the fasting for you, it just means the PROGRAM is already
put together for you ;), my friend and colleague John Romaniello has
put together a new program he calls "Fat Loss Forever."

It's a complete guide to intermittent fasting for rapid fat includes
full nutritional AND training info to help you get the most of the different
fasting approaches.

And I have to say, Roman is one of the most knowledgeable trainers
I know
...he has a No-B.S. approach to training and eating that I find really

Because he's currently in a "launch" period for this program, he's offering
it for $30 off the regular price that it's going to be. It's an excellent
program and absolutely worth the price.

Click here to get Fat Loss Forever for $30 off the regular price...


P.S. Roman is also including a special "fast action" bonus for those who
pick up the program today only. It's a coaching call with himself, Dan Go
(his co-author), Craig Ballantyne and Joel Marion. This is a great
opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business.

P.P.S. If you do decide to pick up the program, make sure you use one of
the links in this email. When you do (and ONLY if you do), I'll throw in a
copy of my book "The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of"
as my gift to you! Just forward your receipt to and
we'll get you a download link asap for your free book!

Click here to get Fat Loss Forever for $30 off and get your fast-action bonus...


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