Subject: [Controversial] You CAN out-train a ____ diet...

Here's the thing...I've been training more than 20 years. In that
time, I've taken myself from being a ridiculously lean 145 lb cross-
country runner to getting as high as 230 lb (at reasonable bodyfat).

And what I've determined, over these past 20 years, is that while
you can't out-train a BAD diet, I think you CAN out-train
a decent diet.

Yep, being completely honest, it IS doable, to a certain degree.
I know because I've done it.

Would it better to be perfect in your diet? Absolutely. No argument there.

The point I want to make (and this is the controversial part that
will get me into hot water with the purists :) is that the results
you get are NOT totally determined by what you eat....strongly,
sure, but not totally.

The human body has tremendous adaptive capacity and if you
challenge it correctly, you can make impressive changes even with
sub-optimal nutrition.

I don't follow meal plans...and the thing for me is that I've been
training long enough that I KNOW exactly how much and what I
need to eat without the need to follow meal plans. If I want to gain,
I know what to eat and how much and what foods work for me. If I
want to lose fat, I know exactly how much to cut and what not to eat.

And I'm quite sure that if I DID chart and measure everything, I'd get
even better results than I already do, because my training is extremely

However, nutritionally what works for ME, may not work at all for YOU...

Being blunt, you may simply not have the knowledge and experience
(or bodytype) to eat the way I do and still get the results you want.

YOU may need to follow meal plans to keep yourself on track or you
may find you function much better when you have a set plan to follow.

And if that sounds like you, then I want to recommend an excellent
product to you. It's a unique software program that creates customized
nutrition plans based on your goals
, your body-type and a wide variety of
other factors, which are then used to determine specific dietary
recommendations that are targeted for YOUR body.

This is really good stuff and it's based on good nutritional science.

I've worked through the program and found it to be very easy and intuitive
to use. It's put together by a highly-trained and experienced nutritionist by
the name of Patrick Linehan, who's main focus is customized nutrition plans
for athletics and body composition.

I think one of the main benefits of this type of software, beyond doing the
planning for you, is that it's also going to TEACH you how to eat better for
YOU, which help you move into the realm of that more intuitive eating
model, which (personally), I tend to favor.

Check out this Customized Nutrition Software now...

Bottom line is this...while you CAN out-train a decent diet, you really don't
have to once you know what you're doing! And the better you do eat, the
more you will be rewarded with the results you want.

This software will absolutely help you do that.



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