Subject: If your biceps aren't growing...fix it with THIS...

So this is my biceps-building public service announcement for the day.

If you want bigger, better biceps and you haven't gotten the
results you want yet, you need to know two things...

First, the biceps grow best when you're performing heavy compound
movements that work the biceps as a secondary mover, like chins,
pulldowns, and rows.

Second, if you're doing isolation bicep training to supplement that heavier
work, you MUST focus on keeping tight form...and tight form
absolutely at the expense of weight (yes, you read that right - if you
can't keep tight form, reduce the weight).

The biceps (when worked in isolation) need that tight form otherwise
secondary muscles will very quickly take over the movement and the
tension comes off the biceps, which ensures ZERO growth.

The exercise technique I've got for you is going to fix your
bicep curl form issues INSTANTLY.

It's for anybody who tends to use too much body momentum or
movement when doing curls (which is just about everybody...I don't
exclude muscle from that group). It's going to be a humbling and
learning experience for you and your biceps will love you for it... :).

Learn the Lock-In Dumbell Curl now...



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