Subject: 7 of the worst exercises you can do...

Today I wanted to bring you something a bit's what
NOT to do rather than what TO do...

This is good article from my friend Dr. Kareem Samhouri, where
he runs down the 7 exercises he recommends people NEVER do.

Dr. K is a VERY smart guy...he's in the rehab field and knows the
human body inside and out (literally). The rationale behind staying
away from these 7 exercises is solid and, to be honest, over the years
I've found myself doing these exercises less and less just naturally.

See the 7 worst exercises you can do...

There are actually some pretty common exercises on his list...of course,
it'll be up to you to decide whether to keep doing these or not. I
think a few of them do have some usefulness, when used properly
in a program.

Also, even though they're not included on this list, I've got a few
more exercises to add in...

1. Upright Rows

Tthe internal rotation of the arms in the shoulder joint can lead to
tendon impingement, basically grinding the tendon down over time
and weakening and injuring it. Some people can get away with these
for years and never have any issues...some people can't even do a
single rep without pain (that's me).

If you're not sure what internal rotation means, hold your arm out
in front of you with your elbow bent 90 degrees then pretend you're
about to arm wrestle somebody. Now bring your hand down like
you're pushing against them to win the match. That's internal rotation.

2. Behind-The-Neck Presses

Maximal external rotation (the opposite of the above movement) of
the shoulder joint combined with resistance...again, not a great
position for the shoulder joint to be in, especially locked in on a barbell.

3. Behind-The-Neck Pull-Ups and Pulldowns

Same issue as with the presses. When you maximally externally
rotate the shoulder joint, it puts more stress on the connective
tissue in a very awkward manner. Some shoulders are fine with it...
most shoulders aren't going to do well with it.

Here's the link to Dr. K's article again
- good info!



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