Subject: Your Weekly Astro Update!

Dear Stargazers,

The coming week is a relatively quiet one, and the few bump energies can be managed easily if you follow the recommended guidance below for working with the influences.

Next week the heavens will be much livelier as Uranus stations retrograde, the Sun moves into Virgo, Venus enters Libra and we experience a second full moon in Aquarius.

But that's next week. Now let's take a peek at what the heavens have in store for us until then!


August 9 - 15

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Aug. 11: Mercury enters Virgo


BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Aug. 9

Aug. 13 (until 4:00 PM EDT)

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Aug. 11 (void moon from 7:21 AM - 4:07 PM so avoid new ventures; otherwise the energy is good)


Aug. 09: Venus opposite Neptune

Whether it's business or romance, it's best to avoid making commitments under this influence because appearances (and promises) can be (purposely or unintentionally) deceiving.

Aug. 10: Mercury opposite Jupiter

You may feel quite inspired today, and if so, you're likely to feel quite enthusiastic about whatever ideas or plans you have in mind. While you may very well be on to something big, it's important that you don't allow your eagerness to rule the day. If not, there's a chance that in your excitement you could move too quickly, which in turn could result in mistaken assumptions or overlooked details that will prove to be costly later on down the road.

Aug. 11: Venus trine Pluto

When the planet of love (Venus) trines the planet of intimacy (Pluto) feelings run deep, which is why many of you will feel compelled to express your love to someone in a meaningful way.

If you meet someone new under this transit, the attraction will be so strong and you may feel it has a karmic or fated quality to it. Under this influence, it may in fact be true, but because of the compulsive energy associated with Pluto, it's best to wait until the initial intensity dies down before making any long term plans. Another reason to take it slow is because the moon will be void from 7:21 AM - 4:07 PM EDT, a period of time that doesn't support new projects or undertakings.

Existing unions aren't immune to this influence, so those of you who are partnered will also feel inspired to express your feelings. Should it be that you've drifted apart, this energy can help draw you back together.


August 11 - 30

After just three weeks in the Lion’s den, Mercury was feeling burned out from the intensity of Leo’s spotlight. Though it was fun while it lasted, it was time to check out of the sign of passionate pursuits and into the sign of health and wellness, otherwise known as Virgo.

As the planetary ruler of Virgo, Mercury feels at home in the Maiden’s immaculate 6th house of self-improvement. During this time, Mercury will express his earthy, practical side which means that his intellectual curiosity will be more focused and his nature will be more reliable.

In addition to health and wellness, the sixth house also presides over work, service, pets and daily routine, and while under the Maiden’s roof, Mercury’s attention will be focused on all of these areas.

Likewise, this period is an excellent time... >>Read more.


Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement


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