Subject: A Supercharged New Moon! 🌑 Weekly Forecast & More

Dear Stargazers,

There are likely to be some surprises in store as the Sun, Venus and Mercury take turns aspecting Uranus, but the big news is that upcoming Leo new moon will have much more manifesting power than usual because it occurs on the same day as the Lion's Gate.

On a different note, I mistakenly wrote that Mercury would enter Virgo on July 27 when in fact it was entering Leo. I've corrected the error in this edition, and you'll find it below along with insights into the new moon and the week ahead.


August 2 - 9

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Aug. 08: New Moon in Leo

While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

BEST AVOIDED: Aug. 2, 3, 6


Monday, Aug. 02: Sun opposite Saturn

When the planet of creativity, self-expression and fun opposes the planet of limitation, it’s time to take a realistic look at one’s circumstances and find a happy compromise to create a healthy balance between work and play. Since the Sun represents one's conscious self (ego) and physical vitality and Saturn represents limitation, some of you may experience a bout of discouragement or feel that your physical energy is low. Not to worry, because the good news is that this is a brief transit so as the day passes, so will the influence.

Tuesday, Aug. 03: Venus trine Uranus and Mercury square Uranus

With competing influences to Uranus, the odds are high that the day will bring some type of sudden or unexpected event, but whether it turns out to be a welcome one or a frustrating one will remain to be seen.

As Venus (love, money) trines Uranus (surprise!), some of you may experience an unexpected encounter with someone who puts a smile on your face and romantic ideas in your head. If a new relationship begins under this influence, how long it will last will depend upon other planetary influences affecting your charts, as well as the energies between them. Still, whether it's fleeting or forever, it will be fun while it lasts.

While Venus is playing nice with Uranus, Mercury is at odds with it. In fact, Mercury's square to Uranus is the reason why some of you may experience a bit of tension, because this influence is known for coinciding with interruptions and last-minute changes. However, you approach the day with a flexible attitude in terms of interruptions or schedule changes, as well as avoid any temptation to make immediate decisions or rush through things, you'll have a much easier time of it and can avoid making mistakes or judgment errors.

Friday, Aug. 06: Sun square Uranus

The potential for tension continues today, but the difference is that it's likely to stem from ego-based conflicts because under this influence you only want to give orders, not follow them. You're also likely to have a lot of energy but very little patience so if possible, it may be best to work independently, and if you're socializing, be mindful to avoid potentially contentious topics.


July 27 - August 12

As the planetary ruler of communications, Mercury in Leo can teach the rest of the zodiac a thing or two about showmanship.

Whether he’s teaching, preaching, making idle conversation or speaking in front of millions, Mercury in Leo demands to be heard.

What’s more, he expects everyone’s undivided attention.

As the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo presides over creativity, self-expression, entertainment, gambling, sports, children, the performing arts and anything that ignites your passion.

That’s why whenever Mercury visits Leo, he’s enthusiastic, playful and yes, a bit dramatic. He’s also direct, speaks with authority and excels... >> Read more.

NEW MOON at 16°14' LEO

August 8, 2021 | 9:50 AM EDT

This months' new moon in Leo is a dynamic one for manifesting, because it falls on the same day as the Lion's Gate Portal activation.

What is the Lion's Gate? In short, it's an energetic portal involving two extremely powerful stars (the Sun and Sirius) that opens up every year from July 26 - August 12, and every year on August 8 it's energy reaches its peak.

Since Leo is the sign that rules all forms of creation and self-expression, this energy promotes manifestation. Since it also rules the heart, this energy can be used to clear blockages in the heart chakra caused by grief and heartbreak.

What also makes the Lion's Gate so powerful is that it occurs on the 8th day of the 8th month. The number 8 is considered extremely potent because it is the symbol for infinity, which represents a constant and never ending flow. The number 8 is also significant from an astrological perspective, because the 8th house rules the transformative cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

Like every new moon, this one invites you to plant energetic seeds for whatever it is you hope to manifest in your life during the coming weeks, but what sets it apart is that it will be supercharged with the creative life force of the Lion's Gate.

The only caveat is that this new moon is squaring Uranus, which not only means your intentions could come about in an unexpected manner, but that if there's anything standing in your way or holding us back, it could be cleared from our path.

If you're sensitive to energy, this new moon energy could cause you to feel a bit anxious or apprehensive. If so, remind yourself that it's the energy and then engage in a calming practice such as deep breathing or meditation.

Getting Personal

So which life areas are being targeted in your life for a new beginning? They're revealed by the horoscope house that's hosting the new moon in your chart. If you don't know which house holds 16°14' Leo in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your solar 5th house, and the emphasis is on children, romance, creativity and recreational pursuits.

Taurus, it falls in your solar 4th house, and the emphasis is on home and family.

Gemini, it falls in your solar 3rd house, and the emphasis is on intellect, local community, short trips, siblings and transportation.

Cancer, it falls in your solar 2nd house, and the emphasis will be on your finances, income, assets and personal values.

Leo, it falls in your solar 1st house. The emphasis is on your physical body/appearance and your attitude/approach towards life.

Virgo, it falls in your 12th house. The emphasis is on spirituality, creativity and things that are hidden.

Libra, it falls in your solar 11th house, and the emphasis is on your goals, casual friends, peers and large organizations.

Scorpio, it falls in your solar 10th house, and the emphasis is on your career, your boss, and your reputation,

Sagittarius, it falls in your solar 9th house, and the emphasis is on long distance travel, spirituality, foreign affairs, legal matters and education.

Capricorn, it falls in your 8th house, and the emphasis is on shared assets, investments, unearned benefits and intimacy.

Aquarius, it falls in your solar 7th house, and the emphasis is on your marriage and close one-on-one relationships.

Pisces, it falls in your solar 6th house, and the emphasis is on your health, pets, job, and work environment, including co-workers or people that you employ.


You can set any intention under any new moon but when it's in Leo, it can be especially helpful for:

Actions and affirmations to attract new romances or improve existing ones, support pregnancy, childbirth, heart health, sporting events, gambling, enhance creativity, promote the performing arts, hobbies, interests and other recreational activities or invite opportunities for parties, entertainment and other social events.


Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement


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