Subject: Weekly Astrology Update 🌟 Passing the Torch 🔥

Dear Stargazers,

There's a flow of positive energy coming your way that will put some spring in your step, and as long as you don't allow a bit of provocative energy to get the best of you (see my advice below), you can expect it to be a very good week indeed!

Passing the Torch

After working closely with them since last year, this afternoon I graduated the first class of my mentoring program. I am extremely proud of them and look forward to watching their professional careers blossom.

I'll be introducing them to you soon, as well as opening up enrollment up for next year's Pass the Torch Astrology Mentoring Program. This program sold out almost immediately last year, so if you have any interest in enrolling be sure to open every newsletter.

But before then, I'll be announcing dates for a few workshops I'm offering before the end of the year.


February 15 - 21

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.




BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Oct. 11, 16

Oct. 13 and 15 (void moon - good for socializing, routine matters, spiritual development)

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Oct. 12

Oct.13 and 15 (void moon, not good for new projects or endeavaors)

Oct. 17


Wednesday, Oct. 13: Venus sextile Saturn

When the planet of love and money is in harmony with the planet that rules responsibility, it's a good time to discuss romantic and/or financial expectations in personal and/or professional relationships. Since this influence helps promote agreement, it's more likely that you'll both be willing to make any necessary compromises. If a new partnership begins under this transit, it is likely to involve an age difference where one partner is decidedly older, mature or established than the other.

This is also a good day for reviewing (but not taking action because of the void moon and Mercury Rx) your finances, because this planetary combination supports sound financial judgment.

Friday, Oct. 15: Sun trine Jupiter

This is one of the most positive influences, because it inspires optimism, enthusiasm, creativity and self-expression. In fact, the only potentially negative side to this combination is that you can feel so good that you kick back and don't get anything accomplished.

While that might be exactly what some of you need to do if life has been extremely busy and/or stressful, just keep in mind that this energy can go a long way in helping you make significant changes in your life..

Saturday, Oct. 16: Mercury sextile Venus

When Mercury and Venus are on the same page, so are the mind and the heart. Although not a powerful influence, the rapport between them can help you better understand, as well as express, how you feel about things.

Sunday, Oct. 17: Sun square Pluto

There's a greater chance for conflict today, and if so, the root cause is likely to be nothing more than an ego-driven need for control. Under this influence, you (or someone you encounter) may feel a need to exert power over your circumstances and/or in your relationships. If so, be prepared for resistance because since others will be feeling this influence as well, they're not likely to back down without a fight.

A good way to handle this energy is to release as much of it as you can through some type of physical activity. Even just a brisk walk around the block will help take the edge off.

Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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