Subject: Today's Sun-Venus Cazimi ✨ New Moon 🌑 Weekly Forecast & More!

Dear Stargazers,

We have a dynamic New Moon in Leo this week, but first I need to address today's Sun-Venus Cazimi, which was inadvertently omitted from last week's newsletter because I was so focused on the number positive aspects today from the transiting moon.

Also, for those of you who have been patiently waiting for it, I've included an update about my consultation schedule.

Now let's get to today's Cazimi and then take a peek at what the cosmos has in store for us during the coming week!


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Today's Sun-Venus conjunction is cazimi, which means the union between these two planets are so close that Venus is within the heart of the Sun, and as a result, its influence is purified, fortified and enlightened.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, Venus has been transiting retrograde since July 22, and during this time she has been encouraging you to reflect upon your values as they relate to love, pleasure, creative expression, children and your heartfelt passions.

Today's cazimi marks the midpoint of the goddess's introspective journey in Leo, and it represents a turning point as Venus moves from being an evening star to being a morning star that coincides with a major shift in her consciousness.

Likewise, after weeks of reflection you too may experience an aha moment that paves the way for life-changing actions that will help you live your best life.

More specifically, the house where the cazimi falls in your horoscope describes one or more life areas where you may experience enlightenment about which values are non-negotiable in your life.

While a cosmic download at this time is more likely to happen if you have been actively reflecting during this retrograde cycle, it's not too late because Venus doesn't go direct until September 3.

Getting Personal

If you don't know where the Sun-Venus cazimi at 20°28 Leo falls in your horoscope, you can read your rising sign if you know it, or if you don't, you can refer to the list below to find out it is according to your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your solar 5th house, and the focus is on children, romance, creative pursuits, entertainment and hobbies.

Taurus, it falls in your solar 4th house, and the focus is on home and family.

Gemini, it falls in your solar 3rd house, and the focus is on intellect, local community, short trips, siblings and transportation.

Cancer, it falls in your solar 2nd house, and the focus is on finances, income, assets and personal values.

Leo, it falls in your solar 1st house, and the focus is on your physical body/appearance and your attitude/approach towards life.

Virgo, it falls in your 12th house, and the focus is on spirituality, solitude, emotional healing, creativity and things that are hidden.

Libra, it falls in your solar 11th house, and the focus is on your goals, casual friends, peers, group relationships and large organizations.

Scorpio, it falls in your solar 10th house, and the focus is on your career, your boss, and your reputation,

Sagittarius, it falls in your solar 9th house, and the focus is on long distance travel, spirituality, foreign affairs, legal matters and education.

Capricorn, it falls in your 8th house, and the focus is on shared assets, intimacy, trust, transformation and other people's resources and support.

Aquarius, it falls in your solar 7th house, and the focus is on your marriage and close one-to-one relationships.

Pisces, it falls in your solar 6th house, and the focus is on your health, pets, job, and work environment, including co-workers or people that you employ.

AUGUST 14 - 20, 2023
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, August 14. The week starts off on a high note thanks to the transiting Moon's entry into fun-loving Leo (6:38 AM). Those of you who are on vacation can expect to enjoy the day, while those of you at work could opt for an extended lunch at a new hot spot. Creative juices are strong now, making this an excellent day to work on projects (professional and/or personal) that benefit from a strong imagination.

Tuesday, August 15. As long as you can maintain a flexible attitude and patiently roll with the punches, you should be able to handle whatever interruptions and ego-based conflicts today's disruptive Sun-Uranus square throws your way. For some of you, this might be a tall order. If so, you may be better off working (or being) alone today.

Wednesday, August 16. Immediately after today's New Moon (details below), the transiting Moon is void of course until it enters Virgo at 7:15 PM. During this time, it's best to avoid activities and decisions that require a definite outcome, and this includes New Moon manifestation rituals!

Personally, I feel such rituals should wait until you see the first glimmer of the Moon but I know many people prefer to do them earlier. If that's you, wait until the Moon is out of the void or nothing is likely to come from it.

Thursday, August 17. Compared to the past few days, today's energy has a more serious tone as the transiting Virgo Moon puts an emphasis on work, health, pets and whatever else is part of your daily routine. If you follow the Maiden's lead and concentrate on the tasks at hand, you should be able to make short work of your to-do list with time to spare.

Friday, August 18. Flowing aspects from the transiting Virgo Moon to Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus promise an optimistic and highly productive day, making this a welcome end to what has been a bumpy week for some of you. If you plan to blow off some steam after hours, be mindful of your words and actions from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, because that window of time carries the potential for some type of conflict or emotional upset.

Saturday, August 19. As the transiting Moon enters Libra (7:54 AM), it introduces a relaxing influence that inspires harmony and helps restore your balance. Given the absence of a single aspect between the transiting Moon and any other planet today, you can expect to enjoy the unadulterated influence of Luna's sociable energy throughout the day, making is an excellent one for catching up with friends or family.

Sunday, August 20. With yesterday's restful energy spilling into today, some of you may be tempted to sleep in or enjoy a day of self-care. When the transiting Libra Moon cozies up with Venus during the late afternoon hours, some of you will feel inspired to snuggle up with a sweetheart, catch up with family or indulge in a sweet treat.


August 16, 2023 • 5:39 AM

Ruled by the Sun, Leo governs the 5th house of creative self-expression. The Sun not only represents the heart and soul, but it describes your conscious individuality, your purpose and your free will. As for the 5th house, it presides over the various creative arts, children, romance, entertainment and every other activity that falls under your definition of fun.

Taken together, it boils down to authenticity: the expression of your true nature and uninhibited self.

And that's why whenever the new moon is in Leo, the Universe encourages you to affirm your sovereignty, straighten your crown and pursue a new path that aligns with your heart and feeds your soul.

While the intention of this month's new moon in Leo remains the same, there's a distinct sense of urgency connected to it that comes from the exact square it makes to Uranus.

Squares are action-producing aspects, and in this case the one from Uranus is goading the new moon to take immediate and/or radical action to liberate itself from any perceived infringements on its self-expression.

Uranus is a planet of separation, and while new moons coincide with beginnings, they can bring an ending if something needs to be cleared before the new can take root.

In your life, this influence can play out as a sudden and/or impulsive need to read someone the riot act about the way they treat you. This is more likely to happen if you feel there is someone who takes advantage, limits or disrespects you in some way.

It can also come about in a more extreme way, such as ending a relationship or cutting ties with an employer. Again, this is more likely to transpire if you have been experiencing dissatisfaction for some time.

As long as you don't allow this influence to affect you in an extreme way, it can help you come into your own.

For example, since it promotes independence, it can inspire you to become more self-reliant. It can also help you identify areas where you haven't received enough credit for your efforts, as well as recognize anyone who might be impeding your progress.

On that note, although the Mars-Uranus trine doesn't aspect the Leo new moon, its energy is a highly supportive one, because the flowing nature of the aspect promotes freedom, independence and change in a non-adversarial way.

The key to making the most of this new moon energy is to be mindful that its urgency is an illusion, and the only deadlines are the ones that you establish for yourself.

If you work with the energy from this perspective, you will be able to fulfill the intention of this new moon without any drama, grandstanding or questions about who has dominion over your life.

Getting Personal

So which life areas are being targeted by the Leo new moon in your life? They're revealed by the horoscope house that's hosting the new moon in your chart. If you don't know which house holds 23°17' Leo in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your solar 5th house, and the focus is on children, romance, creative pursuits, entertainment and hobbies.

Taurus, it falls in your solar 4th house, and the focus is on home and family.

Gemini, it falls in your solar 3rd house, and the focus is on intellect, local community, short trips, siblings and transportation.

Cancer, it falls in your solar 2nd house, and the focus is on finances, income, assets and personal values.

Leo, it falls in your solar 1st house, and the focus is on your physical body/appearance and your attitude/approach towards life.

Virgo, it falls in your 12th house, and the focus is on spirituality, solitude, emotional healing, creativity and things that are hidden.

Libra, it falls in your solar 11th house, and the focus is on your goals, casual friends, peers, group relationships and large organizations.

Scorpio, it falls in your solar 10th house, and the focus is on your career, your boss, and your reputation,

Sagittarius, it falls in your solar 9th house, and the focus is on long distance travel, spirituality, foreign affairs, legal matters and education.

Capricorn, it falls in your 8th house, and the focus is on shared assets, intimacy, trust, transformation and other people's resources and support.

Aquarius, it falls in your solar 7th house, and the focus is on your marriage and close one-to-one relationships.

Pisces, it falls in your solar 6th house, and the focus is on your health, pets, job, and work environment, including co-workers or people that you employ.


You can set any intention under any new moon but when it's in Leo, it can be especially helpful for:

Actions and affirmations to attract new romances or improve existing ones, support pregnancy, childbirth, heart health, sporting events, gambling, enhance creativity, promote the performing arts, hobbies, interests and other recreational activities or invite opportunities for parties, entertainment and other social events.


For those of you who have been waiting to hear when I will be doing astrology consultations again, I will be opening my calendar up to:

  • The general public via my website page on October 1.

  • Newsletter subscribers on September 1

More details to come, and thank you for your patience!


I'll be back next week with more insights and guidance to help you make the most of the upcoming influences and planetary changes ahead!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© Debra Anne Clement 2023 All Rights Reserved.