Subject: Tense Energy Ahead & How to Work with it ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More

Dear Stargazers,

In last week's newsletter, I wrote about Mercury retrograde and inadvertently omitted the sun sign section that shows you where Mercury will be backpedaling in your solar horoscope. Mercury just stationed retrograde yesterday, so I'm including the article again but this time with the sun sign section so can access the guidance.

Looking ahead, in addition to the start of this year's first Mercury retrograde cycle, the week begins and ends with tense energy but if you work with it, you may be able to turn it to your advantage or at least avoid becoming a casualty of it. More on that below!


January 30 - February 20, 2021

On January 30, Mercury stations retrograde at 26°29' Aquarius. If you don't know which house holds this degree of Aquarius in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where Mercury will be retrograding in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

Aries, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 11th house.

Taurus, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 10th house.

Gemini, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 9th house.

Cancer, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 8th house.

Leo, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 7th house.

Virgo, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 6th house.

Libra, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 5th.

Scorpio, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 4th house.

Sagittarius, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 3rd house.

Capricorn, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 2nd house.

Aquarius, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 1st house.

Pisces, Mercury is retrograding in your solar 12th house.

Now that you know where Mercury will be backpedaling in your chart, click here to learn what it means for you. If you're not in need of a Mercury retrograde refresher, then just scroll down the article to the section that describes the influence of Mercury retrograde in each house.

PS: If an old pop up from years ago appears on the Mercury retrograde page asking you to subscribe to the newsletter, just disregard it. I'm not sure why it's happening other than Mercury retrograde 😜


January 31 - February 7

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Feb. 01: Venus enters Aquarius


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.


Feb. 01: Sun square Mars

Feb. 06: Venus conjunct Saturn

Feb. 06: Venus square Uranus

So what do these notable aspects mean for you, and how can you make the most of them? Here are some tips for handling the week's tense energies.

On Monday, February 1, the Sun (self-expression) squares Mars (action). This energy inspires ambition and competition, which some of you may find motivating. If so, it's important to be mindful of the ego-driven nature of this influence and if need be, tone it down a bit because if you come on too strong, you'll risk alienating the very people you want to impress.

On another note, this energy often promotes tension that can manifest as impatience, anger and frustration, which is why many of you will experience this influence as a challenging one. If you feel someone is getting on your last nerve or things aren't happening fast enough, try engaging in some type of physical energy to help you blow off steam, soothe any combative tendencies and release the tension from your body.

For many of you, Saturday, February 6 will be a will be a significant day in connection to matters of the heart and/or finances as Venus conjuncts Saturn and squares Uranus.

The Venus-Saturn connection often coincides with an evaluation of a relationship (and although it's usually a romantic one, it can also be platonic, familial or professional union). While it's possible to realize that a relationship isn't meeting your needs, it's just as likely to coincide with a deeper commitment. Either way, the simultaneous interaction between Venus and Uranus could inspire an impulsive decision that you could ultimately come to regret. On that note, whether you feel it's time to call it quits or put a ring on it, you'll do well to step back and take a few days to think about it.

For some of you, the influence of the Venus-Saturn conjunction will affect your finances. If money has been tight, it could bring sobering news such as the need to cut expenses, or on the other hand, this may be the day you decide to commit to a serious financial expenditure. Just remember that the influence of the Venus-Uranus square could make you more susceptible to rash financial decisions, impulse purchases and a devil-may-care attitude towards your budget. Again, you're likely do best if you hit pause and revisit the situation tomorrow.


February 1 - 25, 2021

While Venus is in Aquarius, she values her independence, enjoys being self-sufficient and revels in her freedom, and although her earthy side is uncomfortable in the sign of detachment, her airy side relates well to its aloofness.

It’s also impressed by the its intellect, admires its humanitarian nature and respects its desire to be different.

As the planetary ruler of the horoscope’s second house, Venus presides over money and values. While many Venus signs are prudent and value a healthy savings account, Venus in Aquarius isn’t one of them. >>Read more.


Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© Debra Anne Clement 2021 All Rights Reserved. No part of this newsletter may be copied, reproduced or posted in part or in whole without the express written permission of the author.