Subject: Solar Eclipse ✩ Jupiter-Uranus Rematch ✩ Venus Rx & More!

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Dear Stargazers,

Just as I was ready to release my Venus Retrograde workshop, a light bulb went off in my head and I saw that as excellent as it is, I could do it better. Much better. In fact, I could make it absolutely, positively freaking awesome. So now what? I had already invested hours of my time creating five information-packed modules along with a workbook tailored to this course. 

What to do? For me, it was a no-brainer. I've never settled for good when I can do great or for great when I can do awesome. Without even the slightest hesitation, I pulled the plug on it. I'm not sure when I'll be finishing/releasing it, because there are other priorities ahead of it. However, for those of you who are eager to learn astrology from me, a few different projects are in the works.

In the meantime, let's take a look at what the heavens have in store!
February19 - March 5, 2017

Feb. 25:   Transiting Mercury enters Pisces
Feb. 26:   New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8°12' Pisces
Mar. 2:     Jupiter-Uranus opposition
Mar. 4:     Venus stations retrograde


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

February 20 - Moon goes void at 6:37 PM EST; avoid results-driven activities after that time.
February 23, 24, 28


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

February 22, 25, 26
March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


February 21. Overall, the energy of this particular day is good. However, the energy on February 22 is rather combative, and its influence will start coming in on the 21st.

"... we may be inspired on a creative level, feel motivated to pursue a spiritual path or find ourselves lost in thought as we dream about a wonderful new future.

As appealing as this sounds, we do well to remember that while Pisces is a noble, idealistic and gentle sign, there is a duality to the sign that’s clearly defined by its astrological glyph: Two fish swimming in opposite directions: one descending to its mysterious depths; the other ascending to its surface.  >>Read More.
Solar Eclipse at 8°12' Pisces
February 26, 2017
9:58 AM | Washington, DC

A solar eclipse occurs at the time of a new moon (when the sun and moon are in the same sign and at the exact same degree), which is why it's associated with a new beginning. However, it's not uncommon for a solar eclipse to coincide with an ending if something needs to be cleared away to make room for the new too take root. More than just a new start in some area, a solar eclipse often marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.

The February 26 solar eclipse is an annular eclipse. Annular comes from the Latin word "annulus" which means "ring." An annular solar eclipse when the apparent size of the moon is much smaller than the Sun. As a result, it fails to block it completely and leaves a visible "ring of fire" around it.

The orb of influence of this solar eclipse can be expected to last until the total solar eclipse on August 21.
The Big Picture

Calculated for Washington, DC, what struck me immediately about this solar eclipse chart is t there are no planets in fixed (strong willed) signs. The planets are evenly divided with 5 planets in cardinal (action oriented) signs and 5 in mutable (versatile) signs. Chiron and the lunar nodes are also in mutable signs. There are fixed signs on the angles (houses 1, 4, 7 and 10), but with Taurus on the Ascendant, the chart is ruled by Venus in (cardinal sign) Aries. 

Given the overall energy of the chart, this new moon solar eclipse suggests that during the course of the coming months, the nation will experience several decisive actions connected to a variety of issues. 

Occurring in the visionary sign of Pisces, this new moon falls in the 11th house (Congress) and is right in the middle of a stellium (3 or more planets in a conjunction) that finds Neptune on one side of it and the south node and Mercury on the other side. Although the south node and Mercury aren't conjunct Neptune, the new moon is conjunct all of them.

The influence of Mercury (news) and Neptune (deception) on the Moon (the public) and the Sun (POS) in the house of Congress, illustrates the war between the POS and the media, as well as the one between the two parties. Given that the new moon is applying to (moving towards) Neptune, I expect these situations will continue to heat up during the coming months.

Also of note in this chart is that 9th house Pluto is challenging Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, as well as chart ruler Venus. This is further confirmation that the current ideological war will continue and suggests that there will be no holds barred in this fight for political supremacy.
Getting Personal

Whether or not you experience an eclipse-related events depends on whether or not it aspects (contacts) a planet or sensitive point in your chart. While time doesn't permit me to write about them all in a newsletter, I do analyze the potential influence of the eclipses during my annual and new client sessions.

If you're an existing client and just want to focus on the eclipses during any one-year period, a 30-minute Targeted Guidance session would fit the bill.
Generally speaking, just like any new moon, the life areas described by the house in your horoscope that holds this eclipse are targeted for a new beginning. The difference is that the eclipse makes the energy of this new moon more powerful.

So which life areas are being targeted in your life by this solar eclipse moon? They're revealed by the horoscope house that's hosting this new moon at 8°12' Pisces in your chart. If you're not familiar with your natal chart, you can learn which house holds the new moon in your solar chart (this is Sun-sign based astrology) by locating your Sun sign in the list below.

If your Sun Sign is:

the new moon falls in your solar 12th house of secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.
Taurusthe new moon falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.
Gemini, the new moon falls in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame.
Cancerthe new moon falls in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.
Leothe new moon falls in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.
Virgo,the new moon falls in your solar 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships.
Librathe new moon falls in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets.
Scorpio, the new moon falls in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity.
Sagittarius,the new moon falls in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.
Capricorn, the new moon falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.
Aquarius, the the new moon falls in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.
Piscesthe new moon falls in your solar 1st house: it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.
Manifesting with the Pisces Solar Eclipse

You can set any intention under any new moon but when it's in Pisces, it especially favors:

Actions and affirmations that promote creativity, imagination, compassion, charity, intuition, psychic gifts, and the mind-body-spirit connection.

This energy also supports intentions to attract skillful photographers, hypnotists, psychics, mediums, animal communicators, dream analysts, hospitals and retreat centers. 
Jupiter Opposes Uranus: Round 2

On March 2, the the second of three transiting Jupiter-Uranus oppositions will take place when Jupiter in Libra's retrograde (backwards) motion causes it to once again oppose Uranus in Aries in the heavens.

Back on December 26, 2017, these two planets faced off with Jupiter at 20° Libra and Uranus at 20°Aries. This time the opposition will occur at 22° but that's not the only difference. In December, Jupiter was moving forward, but this time around, Jupiter is retrograde. 

If you experienced a sudden, surprising or unexpected event in your life around that time, a development may arise around this time that's related to it. Since Jupiter is backpedaling, the energy suggests that there's a need for something to be reviewed and re-evaluated.

It's important to note that while this opposition becomes exact on March 2, its energy will continue to build and its influence will be felt in the preceding days. However, I want you to be aware that during February 25-27, transiting Mars will conjunct transiting Uranus and then oppose transiting Jupiter. 

As the planetary ruler of action, Mars is considered a planetary trigger because it's often sets off planetary patterns when it conjuncts or squares one or more of the planets involved in it. Consequently, events related to this second opposition are likely to occur sooner rather later, and are more likely to be of an inflammatory or shocking nature.

That said, I encourage you to be mindful of these dates, and in the event that something upsetting occurs, the way to handle this energy is to resist being overwhelmed by its extreme nature. While it's possible that transits to your personal horoscope may indicate otherwise, odds are high that when the dust settles, you'll breathe a sigh of relief as you realize that it turned out much better than you expected. 
Venus Retrograde
March 4 - April 15, 2017

Roughly every 18 months, Venus transits retrograde for 40 days. Like all retrograde transits, the energy of Venus retrograde is best introspectively, and no matter what day, year, time or place you were born, there are certain themes that apply to everyone, but first things first:

If you're born with a Taurus or Libra Sun or Ascendant, this cycle (and every Venus retrograde cycle for that matter) is especially significant to you. As the ruler of your Sun or of your horoscope (ascendant ruler is the chart ruler), you're likely to feel this energy more strongly, and since Venus is moving backwards, some of you may feel as though your life is on hold at this time. While it's possible that some of you will experience an actual delay (e.g., an expected bonus is postponed), it's more likely that you'll feel uncertain about a decision or a course of action.
Now, speaking to everyone, the purpose of Venus retrograde is to re-evaluate the true value of the relationships and possessions in your life.

In other words, while Venus is retrograde it's time to figure out who and what is meaningful to you, so you can eliminate the time and energy wasters from your life. Once you do, you make room for new people, resources and experiences that will be meaningful, enjoyable and beneficial to you.

That said, while Venus retrograde is excellent for making these determinations, it's not the time to act on them. You figure it out while Venus is backpedaling, but you don't take action until after Venus is direct. Ideally speaking, wait until after May 18, which is the day Venus exits the post-retrograde shadow.

Finally, Venus begins this retrograde cycle in Aries, but after spending almost 30 days in the sign of the Ram, she backpedals into Pisces where she finishes out the remainder of the cycle. Does the sign make a difference? You bet it does! 
Venus Retrograde in Aries (4:08 am on 3/4 until 8:25 PM on 4/2)

In Aries (ruled by Mars), Venus is in the sign of her detriment. She's at a disadvantage because she's being forced to play by Mars's rules.

That's why when Venus is in Aries, she's decisive; she knows what she wants and doesn't hesitate to go after it.  Aries is a competitive sign that has a burning need to win, so when Venus is dressed in Mars armor, she's in it to win it. However, there are times she doesn't always know why she wants to win. Is it because she truly values the prize or is it the thrill of the chase?

To demonstrate Venus in Aries energy, here are some celebrities who were born with this planetary placement:  Elizabeth Taylor, Mariah Carey, Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Jack Nicholson, Robert Downey, Jr., Lady Gaga, George Clooney, Johnny Cash, Janet Jackson, Rihanna, Eddie Murphy.

Questions to ask yourself while Venus is retrograde in Aries

Is there something you value that you're not actively pursuing?

If so, why not? Could it be that when all is said and done, it's not really meaningful to you? Perhaps you're afraid of failing. If not, could you be afraid of succeeding? It may not be success itself, but rather the fallout of success. Do you feel your family won't support you? Sometimes success requires us to be less available. Maybe you feel that your friends would be jealous. 

Is there anything in your life that you're pursuing simply because you need to win or, in the case of a relationship, because you want to prove to others that they're wrong about this person?

In both scenarios, your ego is in the driver's seat. It's time to look within and re-evaluate your feelings of self-worth. 
Venus Retrograde in Pisces (8:25 PM on 4/2 to 6:17 am on 4/15)

In Pisces (ruled by Neptune), Venus is in the sign of her exaltation. She's at her very best because her virtues are magnified by Neptune. 

Remember, just because the virtues are magnified (amplified) doesn't mean there isn't or can't be a shadow side.

To demonstrate, here are some celebrities who were born with this planetary placement, several of whom have suffered from an addiction.

Martin Luther King, Drew Barrymore, Jon Bon Jovi, Maya Angelou, Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Cayce, Heath Ledger, George Harrison, Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Billie Holiday, Kurt Cobain.

Questions to ask yourself while Venus is retrograde in Pisces

Are you making the most of your best attributes? 

If not, why? Perhaps you don't value them, or more likely, you don't recognize them or don't know how to maximize them. 

Do you overindulge in any forms of escapism or addictive behavior, including but not limited to spending hours watching television or trolling social media sites? 

If so, what is it you're avoiding and why? Is it something you fear? Failure? Success? Responsibility? Perhaps you engage in it because you're procrastinating. Again, what are you putting off and why? Is it because you find it distasteful? Or is it a fear of success? If finishing is would advance you in some way, then it's self-sabotage and goes to self-esteem. 
Getting Personal

So which life areas are being targeted for re-evaluation by Venus retrograde in your horoscope? You need to find the house (or houses) that include the degrees ranging from 26°55' Pisces through 13°09 Aries. In some cases, one house will hold all of these degrees; in others, it will be divided between two houses.

If you're not familiar with your natal chart, use the list below to find out which houses hold Aries and Pisces in your solar chart (this is Sun-sign based astrology) by locating your Sun sign in the list below.

After you've located the house (or houses), you can find the house areas description in the above solar eclipse article.  

The retrograde begins in Aries on March 4th and moves into Pisces on April 2nd.

Sun sign                                                    Aries is your               Pisces is your

Aries                                                           1st house                     12th house
Taurus                                                         2nd house                    11th house
Gemini                                                        3rd house                     10th house
Cancer                                                        4th house                      9th house
Leo                                                              5th house                     8th house
Virgo                                                            6th house                     7th house
Libra                                                            7th house                     6th house
Scorpio                                                        8th house                     5th house
Sagittarius                                                   9th house                     4th house
Capricorn                                                    10th house                    3rd house
Aquarius                                                     11th house                     2nd house
Pisces                                                         12th house                    1st house
That wraps up this newsletter. See you on March 5th!

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement
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Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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