Subject: Jupiter Retrograde ✩ Lunar Eclipse in Leo ✩ Pisces Year Ahead ✩ & More

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Dear Stargazers,

As the planetary ruler of your wallet, your heart and your values, Venus is a triple-threat goddess who deserves our respect, and when she's retrograde, she deserves our undivided attention.

That's why I've created a completely downloadable you-own-it-forever Venus Retrograde Workshop where you'll learn far more about Venus than just her influence during her retrograde cycle. 

In the coming weeks, you're going to receive an email from me that will feature ALL of the workshop details along with special pricing that's only available to newsletter subscribers; in others, YOU!

Best of all, if you're clueless as to where Venus will be backpedaling in your chart and have no idea what aspects it will make in your chart, there'll be an option to receive that information from me in plain English. That's right; for a  nominal fee you'll be able to benefit from every segment in the workshop even if you're an absolute beginner. 

in the meantime, there's quite a bit of planetary activity coming up, so let's get to it!
February 6- 19, 2017

February 6:    Jupiter stations retrograde (see below)
February 7:    Mercury enters Aquarius (click here)
February 10:  Lunar eclipse at 22°28' Leo (see below)
February 18:  Sun enters Pisces (see below)

Best Days

While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

February 14, 16

Note:  There are few best days during this period, and for those who celebrate it, Valentine's Day is one of them.

Best Avoided

The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Feb. 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17

Note: In and of itself February 11 is a good day, but I've included it here because I don't recommend taking important actions or decisions the day after an eclipse. 
February 6 - June 9, 2017
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and opportunity, and the good news is that it continues to offer us chances to grow even when it's backpedaling.

On February 6, Jupiter will station retrograde at 23°08' Libra, at which point it will travel backwards through the zodiac.

Like all retrograde transits, its energy is best used by turning it inward. This one involves the planet Jupiter, it can be a very positive time for getting in touch with spirituality, as well as for re-evaluating (and if need be releasing) philosophical, political and religious beliefs. It's also an excellent time to evaluate your truthfulness and integrity, and that includes how honest we are with ourselves. 

This retrograde occurs in Libra, the sign of balance, peace and cooperation. It's also the ruler of the 7th house, which in addition to partnership presides over competitors, adversaries and lawsuits. Consequently, during this Jupiter encourages us to resolve differences and promote harmony in our lives.

Most of all, Jupiter retrograde invites us to trim the fat from your life and embrace its energy as a planet of release to help let it go. What do I mean by fat? Any unproductive element that takes up space, wastes your time or drains your energy. Whether the clutter exists in your kitchen or in your mind, it’s time for it to go. Otherwise, you’re not going to have room for new opportunities that will come when Jupiter turns direct.

Although this cycle can help you cut the excess out from any area of your life, since it's retrograde in Libra, there's a focus on relationships - romantic, professional and personal - that have outlived their purpose. Only by releasing unions that are no longer satisfying can we create space in our lives to welcome new ones that will be meaningful to us.

Finally, Jupiter is associated with weight gain as well as growths, tumors and water retention. Should any of foregoing be present in your life, the retrograde energy supports resolving these issues. 

On June 9, Jupiter will reach 13°13' on June 9, at which point it will station direct. If you've done the work, you can expect Jupiter to bring opportunities and/or relationships that will enhance your life. If you haven't, you're likely to see little improvement by way of Jupiter during the latter part of the year.

Getting Personal

Which life areas may be due for a clutter clean-up in your life? The ones described in the house (or houses) in your horoscope that contain 12° - 23° Libra. If you don't know which house (or houses) hold those degrees in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where Jupiter is retrograde in your solar chart. 

If your Sun Sign is:

Aries, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships
Taurus, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 6th house of work, health, service, pets
Gemini, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity
Cancer, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.
Leo, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.
Virgo, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values & self-worth
Libra, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 1st house of personal appearance and overall approach to life. 
Scorpio, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives and clairvoyance.
Sagittarius, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.
Capricorn, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame.
Aquarius, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.
Pisces, Jupiter is retrograde in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

With four eclipses targeting your Sun while Saturn provoked it, 2016 was a challenging year for many of you. Although you received some mild support from Pluto, as of September 9 it was offset by the awkward beams of energy that Jupiter in Libra started sending your way.

For some of you, the pain was eased by a faith-inspired calm as Neptune in Pisces contacted your Sun; others may have experienced this energy as anxiety-producing as its influence made problems seem worse. 
Although I'd love to tell you that what happened in 2016 stayed in 2016, the truth is that much of this energy will continue through 2017. Still, many of you will fare much better in 2017.

For starters, on February 26, the solar eclipse in Pisces will conclude the Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle that has rocked the world for many of you. I'll be writing more about this eclipse in the coming weeks.

If you were born during the first half of Pisces, Saturn is finished squaring your Sun. At this point, you should have a clear idea of what's worked for you, what hasn't and what needs to be done. If you were born during the first 10 days of Pisces, Jupiter's awkward beams are also history, so it will be easier for you to make strides this year. 

By December 19, all of you will be finished with Saturn, but before then, all of you will feel a positive shift of energy when Jupiter moves into Scorpio on October 10. As Jupiter continues to move through Scorpio in 2018, it will eventually contact Pluto in Capricorn. These two signs get along nicely, and as they're both ambitious, determined and persistent, the energy from their celestial get together can help you achieve your goals. 

For those of of you born under the Fish, and especially those of you who've been swimming upstream, 2017 is a year of transition. By the end of this year, the struggle will have subsided and you'll be ready to welcome new opportunities that await you in 2018. It may seem like a long way off, but it will be worth the wait.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, Saturn joining Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus spending a few months in Taurus, you're going to be well supported. To make the most of that energy, you need to start now.  To the best of your ability, make plans, sow seeds and take steps in the direction of your dreams. In less than a year, a powerful planetary array will be there to help you.
Calculated for Washington, DC at 7:33 PM EST on February 10, 2017, this is one of the more fortunate lunation charts I've seen in a long time.

At 22°28' Leo, the Moon is united in a Grand Fire Trine strong that promotes a strong flow of passion, enthusiasm and optimism.

Making it even sweeter is that the confident Leo moon (emotional confidence) is supported by Saturn in Sagittarius (practical idealism ) and Uranus in Aries (progressive action).

At 23°06' Libra Rx, Jupiter enhances the influence of this grand trine through its sextile to Saturn, trine to the Moon and its opposition to Uranus. Jupiter is significant in this chart because its opposition to Uranus warns against overconfidence, but assuming it's kept under control, this is a wonderful flow of positive energy.

Jupiter is also significant in this chart because it creates a Mystic Rectangle.

A Mystic Rectangle is an uncommon planetary pattern that occurs when 4 planets are connected by 2 trines (flow), 2 sextiles (ease) and 2 oppositions (confrontation).

In this chart, the 4 planets are the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus.
  • The Sun and Moon oppose each other as do Jupiter and Uranus. 
  • The two sextiles are between the Moon and Jupiter and between the Sun and Uranus.
  • The two trines are between the Moon and Uranus and the Sun and Jupiter. 
Although the four planets are in harmony with each other by virtue or a trine or a sextile, two pairs are at odds with each other (sun opposing moon; jupiter opposing uranus).

These oppositions indicate an underlying tension that suggests that something (e.g., a
workplace situation, a relationship) isn't as harmonious as it appears to be at first glance. 

If it's not exposed and/or released in the near future, there's a good chance that it will come to light between April 7-10 when transiting Mars in Taurus squares (triggers) the eclipse point.

To put this into practical terms, imagine Archie, Reggie, Betty and Veronica are having lunch.The conversation is flowing and everyone seems to be having a nice time, but beneath the surface Betty is annoyed with Veronica and Reggie is competing with Archie. If these friends continue to behave as if nothing is amiss, the odds are high that when Mars triggers the eclipse point in April, these issues will come to a head. 

Although the overall energy of this eclipse chart is positive, a lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon, which means it signifies something coming to light, to fruition or to an end.

Finally, eclipse-related events may also be triggered (or re-triggered as the case may be) at a later date by a transiting planet making a hard aspect (conjunction, square, opposition) to the eclipse point (the degree and sign of the eclipse; in this case the eclipse point is 22° Leo).
Astrology in Action

Below is an example of a lunar eclipse-related event.

On January 24, Jane Fonda announced that her 8-year romantic relationship with Richard Perry had ended. In Fonda's chart, the moon is at 21°59' Leo, which means the upcoming eclipse will land right on it. It's located in her 7th house of committed relationships, and as it happens, her moon is the planetary ruler of that house. (Cancer is the sign on of her 7th house.

The lunar eclipse (endings) landed in her house of relationships and made a a virtually exact conjunction (an aspect related to beginnings and endings) to the planet that rules her relationships.

The moon represents emotions, and it's reasonable to assume this ending was emotional for her. However, the moon also represents the general dealings with the public, and this was a public announcement. Looking further at Fonda's chart, Mars is at 29° Aquarius so the upcoming lunar eclipse (endings) will oppose it. In astrology, Mars rules men, and in her chart, it rules her 3rd house of communications.

Getting Personal

Like a full moon, related events often come as much as a month early, but I've seen them come exactly 2 months early (i.e., eclipse is 2/10; event happens 12/10) on numerous occasions.

While every eclipse lands somewhere in everyone's chart, not everyone experiences an eclipse-related event. The eclipse must connect with the person's chart in order to trigger an event.

Assuming it connect with the chart, whether this eclipse (or any other for that matter) coincides with a happy ending or with a crisis, or whether it coincides with anything at all, depends upon your personal horoscope. More specifically, it depends on which planets and houses are contacted in a person's horoscope, together with the nature of the aspects (contacts) it makes to them.

It's also possible that an eclipse will bring something to light; and if it does, it may come as a shock to those on the receiving end of the the news.

Since the energy of a lunar eclipse isn't subtle, If your chart is personally impacted by one, you'll see very clearly which relationships, projects or circumstances are targeted. If something ends under the influence of a lunar eclipse, it's usually final. For example, if you break up with your partner, the separation will likely be permanent.

The Moon, which is being eclipsed, is the natural ruler of family, domestic situations, and women (in general). Traditional astrology teaches that it's not unusual for a woman to leave our lives under a lunar eclipse. This isn't to say that a woman in your life is going to die or that a friendship is going to end. It can, but it's not common. In truth, it's often as benign as a female co-worker resigns for a new job or your aunt announces she's moving to Florida.

For me, what really distinguishes a lunar eclipse from a full moon is that where a full moon typical brings a situation to a natural, or at least partially anticipated outcome, eclipses often coincide with blindsides.

Where Does the Lunar Eclipse Fall in Your Chart?

Since a lunar eclipse occurs at a full moon, it involves the Sun and the Moon and falls across two houses in the horoscope. The house that holds the Moon is where the action is in your chart, and something related to one (or more) of the life areas ruled by it may come to fruition, a crossroads or an ending. However, while the Moon lights up one house, the Sun lights up the opposite one. Since houses work in pairs, you should consider the life areas ruled by the opposite house as well.

If you don't know which house holds 22° Leo in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out which house the full moon falls in your solar chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment). Read the 11th house as well.
Taurus, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents). Read the 10th house as well.
Geminiit falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.). Read the 9th house as well.
Cancer, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets). Read the 8th house as well.
Leo, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life). Read the 7th house as well.
Virgo, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions). Read the 6th house as well.
Libra, it falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.
Scorpioit falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation). Read the 4th house as well.
Sagittariusit falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing). Read the 3rd house as well.
Capricorn, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters). Read the 2nd house as well.
Aquarius, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients). Read the 1st house as well.
Pisces, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition). Read the 12th house as well.
Releasing with the Leo Lunar Eclipse

During the two weeks immediately following the full moon, the moon is waning. As it slowly fades from view in the evening sky, its energy supports the release of circumstances that no longer serve us.

Although you can release anything under any full moon, one that's saturated in Leo energy is especially helpful for letting go of:

Negative beliefs connected to romantic relationships, social gatherings, creative talents and expression, pregnancy and children, athletic ability and fun in general. It's also helpful for releasing a romantic relationship that no longer interests you.

Traits such as conceit, vanity, egotism, belligerence, extravagance, arrogance.
Coming Up

In the February 19th issue, I'll be analyzing (among other things) the upcoming Pisces solar eclipse, as well as the second Jupiter-Uranus opposition. 

For those of you who like to book a reading near your birthday, the current wait time for an appointment is about 3 weeks (that includes day time slots). If you need a weekend appointment, you're looking at about 6 weeks.

Until next time, I'm wishing you all a love-filled Valentine's Day, and if you love this newsletter, please show it some love by sharing it with your like-minded friends and family!

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© 2017 Debra Anne Clement. All Rights Reserved.
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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